Saturday, January 23, 2010

Congrats and general update!

First and foremost, I want to send a huge congrats to Stacey! There is so much good news here in blogland! Join us in prayer that this little miracle keeps growing and getting stronger!

In other news, we had a great day so far. Just did a few errands together, got my tire fixed - Jessy did it, and then we came home, cleaned my truck (small suv), cleaned two of the extra rooms in the house, and then I did all the laundry. Jessy even cleaned out the junk drawer while I cleaned out the toybox that we have for all the kiddos that visit.

It has been a great day! I feel so happy that we got things done and did not stay lazy.

We live in a very small town and it is about 1/2 hour to a larger 'city' with hospitals and last night we heard the ambulance helicopter right over our house and it was hovering for nearly 1/2 hour trying to find a place to land so we freaked out a bit, because we were worried for our neighbors. Well, I went outside robe and all we finally saw that they finally decided to land in our local park, which is about 1/4 mile from our house. It turned out that there was a hit and run and they driver hit a boy in a wheelchair. We think that the boy was in his late teens, but not sure. So as we are out there, our neighbors come up and we start to visit. We are completely out of touch with our community because they recently had a community wide meeting about the high number of child sexual predators that live in our small community. It turns out a man who rents houses here has been building more places for them to rent and he is accomodating to child predators. What kind of person does that? Greed once again rears its ugly head. We were in shock. We actually moved here because we thought it was a safe, friendly town. Overall it is, but the climate could change if people don't feel safe. We are praying. Of distinct importance is that one of the men was seen watching the children in the park recently. Parents can never be too careful. There are some people who choose not to do things as we would and it can make the world a scary place for children and their parents.

I am so ready for spring, I want to plant some rose bushes. I can't wait to plant flowers. They bring me so much joy!!


  1. How scary.

    Are there any schools close by? That is generally a problem with living in small towns b/c there is a radius requirement. I.e., convicted sexual offenders can't live within a certain radius of schools and churches and places where children are likely to congregate. That almost always ends up in a concentrated area of them in smaller, more rural areas, and almost always in the same neighborhoods. I know the "hot spots" in mine & DH's small home towns for this reason. I hate that they are so close to you. Again, just scary.

  2. I didn't say that right. I meant it is becoming a problem for smaller towns . . . an unintended consequence of the sex offender laws . . . not that it was a problem of living in a small town. I've got to stop now. I've done too much research on this issue and it gets me revved up. I could go on and on.

  3. That is scary about the children predators...ugh! We had a rented house a street over but he had to leave for he was within the radious of at home day care center. The lady who runs the daycare got on the ball. I found out another renter made met.h out of the base.ment of a rented house. I like to think we live in a safe area too but since the builder hasn't been able to sell the houses..he rents them to whomever...I've heard some scary stuff. SOME renters just don't take care of the property, etc. There are tons of children in our neighborhood's scary to think about whose renting or buying the homes. I know for a fact some children are not watched by their parents.

  4. That's scary about the sex offenders. We looked it up by our old apartment and it was surprisingly high.

  5. How awful for the boy and his family!
    And the predators thing-my goodness, I just can't believe that. I always thought it was so bad here in a big metropolitian area because they group in the apt complexes and it just seems like there are so many close by-ugh.

  6. Thank you so much for the congrats and prayers! We are still trying to take it one day at a time and just be thankful for each new day. We appreciate your prayers!
