Monday, January 25, 2010

What a day!

It has been one busy day, but there were some really great moments!

I woke up early to head to do mhy p+7 bloodwork, it is really p+8 and in some ways I am expecting this cycle to be a bust . . . but I am always still so crazy hopeful. It was the best visit to the lab that I have ever had, as best as those visits can possibly be at this stage in the journey. My favorite tech was there and she was so happy to see me. I think that her friendliness made the whole experience less pathetic. I was in and out in no time. That hardly ever happens.

Things got all messed up with the meds this month, then I got an infection from a bite that I had gotten while we were in Galveston and then in the post peak phase had to take a dose of antibiotics. I was CLEAR that I was trying to get pregnant and did not get anything that could possibly harm a newly conceived baby or so I pray.

That special prayer request is not anything baby related at this time and so far I took the next step, the ball is not in my court anymore. I will keep yall posted when I hear something. I am nervous, but hopeful.

One of the highlights of my day was that I got to visit with one of the most encouraging friends ever and her beautiful, fun daughter! She completely understands just how tough this journey is for someone like me who is just ready to be moving foward. It is such a blessing to be able to have conversations with someone who just "gets" what you are going through.

Then this afternoon, I had the responsibility to go to ALL the local catholic schools for work and due to printing delays I had to go at the worst possible time for traffic bc it was when school was letting out. As luck would have it, I ran into a friend from college picking up her kids. I am serious. Watching a woman, my age who married just two years before me and heading out of the school with four kids on foot and one on the hip. It sure helps that this woman has such a sweet spirit. It just sort of sent me into a tailspin. When people ask what you have been up too, you can't very well say that you are primarily spending all of your energy trying to become a parent. Writing this is bringing me to tears.

Moving on!

I have been having some weird feelings and dealing with some nausea that I think is caused by either not eating at set times or the antibiotic that I am taking. I have to make sure that I eat something hearty for breakfast to keep my meds down in the morning. Today I had some lower back pain and it felt like cd 1 was coming which is at least a week away, hopefully even more than that :)

I was pretty much near tears today on the way home worried that I am doing something wrong for my body. This whole journey has just been so hard. I have learned so much from this journey, but I am still thankful that I am in the company of amazing women (biblically and in real life).


  1. Don't you just hate it when you spend you days maintaining IF treatments, etc and then a long lost friend asks you what you do all day, sometimes I just wanted to say, you have no idea.

    That must be hard going to the schools! I always felt so out of the loop when there.

    Hope this is it for you!!!

  2. I totally agree with FJIEJ. You just want to tell people to pull up a chair and take a listen 'cause this is stuff they don't tell you about.

    I hope you have good results, are feeling better, and I'm praying for your special request.

  3. I'll be praying for your request; it sounds like you'd be happier. Sorry that everything has gone crazy body and meds-wise.

    It would be really hard to see an old friend with school-age kids.

  4. Hi LIM! Thanks for sending me an invitation to your blog...sorry I had to stalk you through facebook to contact you! I have been missing reading your blog and I figured that was as good as any of a way to get in touch. I don't have any similar experiences to the one about your friend from college with the 5 kids, but I can only imagine! I look forward to catching up on what I have missed over the last couple of months. God Bless!

  5. It sure is something else...I mean nothing surprises me anymore. NOTHING! I just hate that we are always the one swallowing it. :)

  6. I am happy for the good moments you had today. I know what a big deal an easy draw is. I am sorry for the bite-yikes, but sometimes a huge dose of antibiotics is just what the body needs to get pregnant-funny how that works. I was looked at like a freak among friends yesterday when I told them I could quit my job and focus on IF and insurance and that would take all my time. It is just so hard for those not there to understand. Fortunately (or not) I am surrounded by IFers IRL and blog land, friends and family. Strange but true.
    Praying for your intention!
