Thursday, April 30, 2009

bed rest

i was doing great yesterday and got my injection @ noon on wednesday. today, at 6am, i saw pink on the tissue, so i talked to dr. h & he tld me to stay off my feet for 48 hrs. he said this doesn't mean i am miscarrying, just that i need to be careful. i have had vl b all day. this is in all lower case bc i am using one fingeer to type. i have been praying all day and am so grateful for all your prayers! thank. i am gun shy right now & am doing everything i can to let faith take away any fear i may have. love to you all and know that i am praying for all of thoughout the day.


  1. Gotcha in prayer.......Rest it up Momma. Pray it away!

  2. Soooooo many women spot in early pg... I think more than those who don't spot, actually. I know you must have some fears, but you are in ALL of our prayers, and God is watching over you and baby right now.

    PS, I don't know if this means anything or not, but my word verification for this comment is: "Carbs." Maybe that's a subliminal message, meaning you need to eat some carbs??!!

  3. I just said a quick prayer that God will protect you and the baby He has placed in your womb.

  4. I cannot imagine how terrified you must be.

    I promise to pray.

  5. I will be praying for you and your little one!!

  6. I am praying for you!!! Don't worry a lot of women spot during early pregnancy. It so common. Please take it easy and drink plenty of water. (Something the doctor had advised me). Now is the time to baby yourself ;)

  7. I am like the nat that won't die! I am sorry! :)

  8. Wow, I just read your last 2 posts!!! Praying that everything will go smoothly for you right now and all the way up to a healthy delivery!
    Hugs & Prayers.

  9. oops that last comment was me!

  10. I had major bleeding with my kid at 9 weeks. He is fine! I had to be on modified bedrest for 2 weeks. Just take it easy and we'll be praying!
