Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cat troubles

My day, hormonally was better. Haha! I guess the people around me could probably answer that question better.
I did my p+7 blood dray today. I can't wait to find out the results. I had shiny all day for all of you who chart with Creighton. I tend to do this and I wonder if the vitamin b6 could be the reason bc they have me on it daily for the whole duration of my cycles. Is this the same for any of you?
Now, for the reason of my title. Our sweet cat, Daisy, is loco. She sometimes poops in her litterbox all of the time and then every once in a while she goes through a spell of pooping right next to it. We have tried two litter boxes, the feliaway spray, etc. Now before you think her litter box is probably dirty, it is not. She may have peed in it twice, when she poops right outside of the litterbox! I am going crazy! So today I cleaned the whole room where her litter boxes are, put two fresh and clean litter boxes in the room with lots of room for scratching and then put an old towel right where she always tries to poo. Then I sprayed it with a wonderful scent. I don't know what the outcome will be. We love her so much but when a baby finally comes to live in our house we can't her pooping next to her litter box. It is unsanitary and gross! Any suggestions are welcome please!!


  1. Sorry i don't have cats so i can't suggest anything. I've always like them, but never liked the little box issue. Seems they always smelled to me, but i know if you change it reguraly they dont'.

    Good luck though, i know how fustrating it in when dogs do poop in the house and it's twice as big and stinky!!

  2. Oh my goodness! I haven't had that particular problem! Cats are the strangest creatures sometimes! But I LOVE them!!!

    I really, really hope you can figure it out. Try googling it. I bet there's a reason she's doing it and a way to stop it.

  3. Is the kitty getting less attention, or is something different around the house? Sometimes they do that to send a message, our vet has told us. Or they just want a cleaner box. Picky creatures! Ours did that a few times and we never really figured out why. They stopped, though. They like to be clean, I think.

  4. Vent, her box was clean. I think this is why it drove me crazy. Our vet told us to do two boxes and allow her to use one for pee and the other for poop. Except they both have pee in there now. I checked this morning and shed did good going to her litter box since I set it up. I heard that constipation can cause this kind of bhvr in cats or even some forms of stomach trouble.
    We call her our special cat. We adopted her right before she was going to be put to sleep for staying at the shelter so long. Then when we bring her home, she plays around for a few weeks then starts to limp around. It would vary which hip would be causing her to limp. So I became very concerned that maybe she was hurt before we adopted her and the vet did all kinds of xrays on her and it turned out she has not holes (sockets) for the ball of her hip to fit into. It is bone on bone, so we were always told to keep her at a healthy weight to minimize her pain. So as you can see, it seems that there is always a new adventure ahead of us with Daisy. Our cat before her that I had for 11 years was the perfect litter box kitty. Never once outside the box. Yet she was terribly unsociable whereas Daisy is the most social cat I know! I guess you give and take.
    Thanks everyone for your helpful comments.

  5. Is it in a private area? I know my cat likes to use her litter box in peace and doesn't like other stuff to be near it. That's the only advice I can give.

    Yes I've noticed the B6/shiny CM issue as well, however my CM doesn't vary much. It's usually shiny or peak type.
