Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Resurrection Day!

This is the first thing I said to my husband this morning. We have so much to be thankful for today! The triduum has been different for me this year. Good, just different. After my retreat I was living out my joy in the Resurrected Christ. I was rejoicing in the fact that Christ defeated death! During my retreat we were made so aware of the suffering Christ did for us so that our sins would be wiped away and then we ended up at a place we were rejoicing in the Resurrected Christ. So I had a really tough time on Good Friday! I knew the end of the story. It was so hard for me to be contemplative, when my heart was so joyful with the reminder of Risen Christ.
Anyway, my day on Good Friday was filled with mixed emotions, but we did spend the majority of the day with my husband's family. The family time was fun. We babysat our youngest nephew (5 mo) that evening and all day Holy Saturday. He is a good baby and slept so well this time for us. It was a pure pleasure to spend time with him. I had him all to myself for the majority of Holy Saturday and we just had a ball together. He is already crawling (all the babies in my husband's family reach their motor skills really early) and we worked on sitting up without support. Then in the afternoon, my mom and aunt came around 1 pm to dye easter eggs. We had so much fun. Later, my sil and her boyfriend came by to pick up the baby. It was good for me to see that I can care for a little one and still get things done around our home. I even had a meal cooked my husband when he came home.
Well, then when our home was finally empty, we reviewed my chart and then I used my first hcg injection this cycle. Well, I am so crabby today and my body is sore in certain areas and it feels like my left ovary is being super stimulated. I did the hcg injection on that side. My bbs are sore and I wonder what intelligent woman would inject themselves with hormones they know will make their bodies feel this funky! See, I told you I was crabby. Anyway, I was scheduled to serve at Holy Mass today. After mass though, I came home ate and went to sleep bc of a bad sinus headache that just showed up this morning. It was like a bad migraine. I just had to sleep it off. DH's family cooked, so he went over there and then brought me back a plate. The food was good, but I was happier to be home sleeping than visiting the way I was feeling. Good thing I had such great family time on Friday and Saturday.
Anyway, I am going to try to head to bed soon, but I want to share with you the message from our bishop that was given for Good Friday.
"There is in fact no death without suffering and no resurrection without death. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught the interconnectedness of the three. If Christianity is the imitation of Christ, then the Christian must live this mystery. The Christian must begin where the mystery begins, with suffering. Human suffering can take many different forms. Usually we find suffering in illness and loneliness and alienation." + Bishop Glen John Provost

I have experienced all of these roots for suffering. No wonder suffering has been my companion for so long. But today, I am living in light of the resurrected Christ.
I pray that you all have so much joy that your cup overflows!

Oh, by the way, the book I was referring to in my other post is called Life-Giving Love by Kimberly Hahn. I would recommend it to all of you! Maybe it can be found in a library.


  1. I hope you are feeling better today! Glad you were able to (mostly) enjoy the Easter weekend!

    I know parts of Louisiana had some really bad weather yesterday, but I hope the bad stuff missed you. We had a yucky morning but a beautiful afternoon here!

  2. Happy Easter to you!!!

    Praying especially hard for you, that God will honor your increased faith and prayers for a baby this Easter season.

  3. Your strength is Christ is such an inspiration to me. It seems that I get so much from your post and appreciate your relationship with our Lord. :)

    Suffering seems to be a common thread for me right now. It has become very apparent to me in these last few days and something that weighs on my mind. I believe that with Scott and I trying to conceive, we are experiencing a trial and suffering in order for our relationship with not only God but our relationship together become stronger. It will be the most glorious day when God answers our prayer, much like it was on Resurrection Day for Jesus. :) What a wonderful thought for all of us who are TTC.

    Hugs and blessings,
