Monday, April 20, 2009

Blood results

I called Dr. H's office today to get the results of my p+7 results and was astonished! My progesterone doubled! It was 20.6, whereas the last time it was checked it was 10.1. My estradoil improved too, jumping up to 10.2 (it was previously 7.1). I was told that Dr. H likes to have the progesterone # to be at least 13 or above. He likes to see the estradoil at 12 or above. So I am doing better on the progesterone levels, but still have quite a bit of improvement to look foward to in the future. Nowhere near the phenomenal numbers as some of you ladies out there, but enough to bring some peace to my heart about the path we are on at this time.
I was and still am so excited about my progesterone levels! It is nice to see some progress! I am starting to feel a little normal. Notice I said a little.


  1. I'm glad to hear that your levels are improved. I hope your levels continue to stay on the right track. Give me a call back when you get a chance.

  2. I am very excited for you! That is awesome!!!


  3. So glad you got good results!! Here's hoping that you continue to improve at light-speed!

  4. Praise be to God for wonderful results!

    Thanks so much for saying a little prayer for me during my time of need this week!

  5. Awwwwesooome. It's just putting you closer to becoming a mommy.
