Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Please pray . . .UPDATE

I am having a most difficult day, please pray.

I made it through the day, worked 13 1/2 hours. The end was way better than the beginng. It looks like for my own well being I will need to make a big life change. I will post more later, I have so many mixed emotions about it though.

I have an important meeting tomorrow afternoon, so I hope and pray it will go well!! Thanks for all of the prayers, the tears were nearly non-existent after I requested your prayers! Thank you all for coming through for me.


  1. Praying for you today, my friend. I know there are times when it is so hard to keep going. Keep holding onto Jesus and knowing that He won't ever let you go.

    Love & hugs (and lots of prayers) are coming your way.

  2. Praying for you! I'm sorry you are having a rough day.

  3. Thank you so much ladies, it was/is work related. It also feels like cd 1 is close.

  4. Poor lady. I do not know the details, but I worked for 3 years in a place where I was miserable. It was no way to live and I hope you have a change soon.

  5. Hope things went well today. I read your post after the fact, but you're always in my prayers.
