Thursday, March 12, 2009

bad day w/ update

today has been a bad day already, I really should have trusted my gut and called in sick. I hurt my right arm yesterday and it really hurts. I think it is only a muscle strained and it is a little better than yesterday, but I could barely dress myself for work today and then I really was very limited with what I did with my hair. I can't comfortably lift my arm us above my head.
Then I took a different route to work today because yesterdays route had major delays and road closures. This new route takes longer, but I had enough time to do that and then grab a quick bite to eat bc I have not been grocery shopping since last week. No breakfast bc i got stuck behind not one, but two freakin tractors being escorted by state employees from dotd. When I caught the longest red light after finally moving pass these slow riders, I see that someone has finally used the safe haven law in my parish (county). A girl surrendered her six day old healthy baby boy to a local hospital and while I should be happy that this child is now safe. . . I lost all of my apetite and am angry that I can't be the one to love this little soul into new comfort. The child is now in care of the state and I remember about 20 months ago when J and I went in for our orientation, I asked if they ever have anyone use the safe haven law to surrender infants and they told me no. Well, today is the first day and I am just so sad and I do not want this child to grow up going from foster home to foster home. Pray with me that this little boy is placed with the family God intended him for. I know that there are some really great families waiting for a new soul to love and share their world with, so may God be so very gracious in providing for every need of this child and his new family. God bless this young girl who in her youthful widsom chose to not be selfish, but loving to this child.
Ok, things did improve for me soon after I posted this. I was able to go to a funeral mass for a dear priest friend whose sister died and I was the one chosen to represent our office for the day. I would have been honored to go, but unsure about who would fill in for me while I was gone. Good thing I dressed appropriately well today and it turned out my hair was not so pathetic. Well, although I went there to be a woman just of prayer for my friend who was giving the homily, I was so blessed by his words and just being able to recieve Jesus in the Eucharist today was a tremendous blessing!
Yesterday, as I was typing the readings for the mass today for him in large print, I was so blown away by the scripture that says "Death has lost it sting". Because God gave us Jesus and he conquered death, we have nothing to fear. Nothing!!!


  1. Ugg! I swear! I can't wait to talk to God and find out His reasoning behind all of this. I know once I find out I will feel so stupid for even questioning in the first place. But my weak human mind doesn't understand. Why all the choas?

    I am so sorry you are having a bad day! Is it too late to go home?

  2. I'm so sorry! I really hope things get better soon for you.

  3. You've been having so many ups and downs lately. I'm keeping you in my prayers everyday. I'm so glad you got to receive Eucharist today and I pray that your arm gets better really soon! Blessings, LA

  4. I'm so sorry you had one of those days. Praise the Lord its finally Friday, right?!!

    Thanks so much for your prayers for me, I will remember you, too in our prayers for those suffering from IF.

  5. Thank you for your prayers! I think God heard you too! The haze started to life last night!

    You and I are having alternate good and bad days. What is going on? :)
