Sunday, March 8, 2009


This weekend has not been restful so far, but I plan to make up for it this afternoon. We were busy all evening friday and then on saturday we were very busy helping my sil and her fiancee with baby in tow to move out of her parent's house and into their own rental. I have to tell you the day was penance for me. My husband volunteered us to help a bit to help get them out of his parent's house bc they have been stressing his parents out a great deal. It was a little overwhelming trying to help her clean bc she has never cleaned anything for herself, except her room. They got a massive tax return and have no income other than that at this time and they got a rental for a place that is more expensive than our house note. They even signed a lease for 6 mo. It is either sink or swim. I really hope they can swim. I think I put so much effort into it bc of the baby. Poor child has to live with these two adults. I can't even imagine.
Speaking of moving, I was bored the other night and was looking at local real estate and found this small apartment/barn style home with 2 bedrooms on 5 acres of land for a really great price. We went to look at it from the outside and are considering buying it for investment property. It is at a higher elevation than were we currently live and has more land. The problem is will will need to live in our currnet home for another 2 years before we can move, but it would make an excellant hurricane safe home. It can withstand winds of 180 mph. I have a fear of losing our home again to another hurricane and am discerning if fear is leading me to this opportunity or God in his wisdom allowing us to find something to prepare for the future with. The living areas are large but the 2nd bedroom is small and while we are not with child yet, what if we outgrow that house in the future and have to build on the land a larger home. Would this be cost effective, epecially in this market? I don't know, I am just rambling, but I did hear my husband say to his family "this is the kind of place I have always dreamed of having one day. . .I can do so much with this!" This is probably one of the wildest ideas I have ever had and he got on this bandwagon. So strange, so please pray for us as we discern and arrange a meeting with the real estate agent to see the home on the inside. On a funnier note, we have really good credit and the other day the president of a bank came by just to talk with J at his job while he was visitng his boss and asked "Do you need a loan for anything?" J just laughed it off, but was this a laying of the foundation?
In cycle news, I am so frustrated. I think I have a peak day and then mark it as such, then have a green baby day, and then bam -------- more fertile cm. Last night this happened. It is really hard to understand, so I stopped taking the fertile cm yesterday, even though I am supposed to take it until p+2 and I have no real idea when to start the hcg. I have had peak type mucus for the last 11 days (in that time there were two green baby stamps). I have no idea what to think and I am making a call to the dr on monday. Another weird thought that may be tmi. After BD yesterday, I beared down and wiped and found a itty bitty amount of pink/red. I don't know what to think of this or chart it bc it just happened once that day. I did have feelings of slight crampiness in the morning for a few hours too, along with breast tenderness since friday.
I don't know anymore. The charting is very empowering when you know what it means.
Hope you all are having a restful sunday!

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