Monday, March 16, 2009


Today has been just little reminders that I am in the hand of God. First thing this morning when I walk into my office. I am always the first to arrive, there is a huge bouquet of roses in all colors on the table right across from my desk. Now, last Thurday, I specifically asked St. Therese to send me a rose as a message of love and there are at least 20 in every color right across from me. They are not mine to claim, but their presence is an answer to prayer.
I did not sleep well last night, I don't know what was going on in my belly, but it was cramping almost all night long and not really pms kind of cramps. I keep thinking it was just gas, plus I am having more acid reflux stuff going on and I don't know what it all means. None of this is a real problem, just different for me.
Anyway the reason I wanted to post right now is becasue I was given a beautiful poem today about suffering and it spoke so well to my heart that I really felt called to share it. A dear friend who sometimes volunteers at my job told me she was going to do a talk on the 'Transmission of Suffering' and I asked her when she can come talk to me about it. I just knew she had wisdom to share with me and instead she gave me a copy of this poem that she said summed up what the overall message of her talk would be. It is amazing, so be blessed.

Mother Wisdom Speaks

Some of you I will hollow out.
I will make You a Cave.
I will carve You so deep the stars will shine in Your darkness.
You will be a bowl
You will be a cup in the rock collecting rain.
I will hollow You, not to make You clean; You are clean already.
I will do this because the world needs the hollowness of You.
I will do this for the space that You will be.
I will do this because You must be large, a passage.
People will find their way through You;
A bowl - people will eat from You, and their hunger will not weaken them to death.
A bowl to catch Sacred rain.
My daughter, do not cry.
Do not be afraid.
Nothing you need will be lost.
I am shaping You, making You ready.
Light will flow in your hollowing.
You will be filled with light, and Your bones will shine.
The round open center of You will be radiant.
I will call You Brilliant One.
I will call You daughter who is wide.
I will call You transformed - Mine.
by Christine Webber

A Prayer for Insight into Suffering

Lord, my God, Incomprehensible One,
Your sacrament of suffering,
the mystery of pain,
is an integral part of my life.
I have at times been offered the cup of bitterness
so that I may share in the sorrow
that was freely embraced by Your Son, Jesus,
and so that I may help to heal
the sickness that plagues our planet.

I thank You for opportunities to explore,
with those around me and with all the world,
the profound puzzle of pain.
May I seek only the fullness of life
and not reject the element of pain
inherent in all growth
and essential in each search for wholeness.

As a disciple of Christ,
I will follow in the footsteps
of a suffering savior,
asking that this pain
have special meaning for me
and for all the earth.

Blessed are You, Lord my God,
who shares pain and suffering
as part of the mystery of life.


  1. You know I have always thought that our infertility and their fertility is what balances the scale of life.

    Too bad we are on the other side of the scale that we want to be!

    There has to be another side to the complete disregard and lack of respect that people so violently abuse when they are fertile! :) I am talking about abortion, child abuse, IVF etc... ;)

    I needed to read this today!

    You didn't even update on my blog roll, I just thought let me see what LMazes is up to! ;)

  2. The reaons I needed to read this today because today is one of those days I am being hallowed! ;)

  3. What a beautiful poem. And you are, might I add, such a beautiful person. Your comments and prayers are so heartfelt and heartwarming.

    I always look forward to reading what is happening in your life.

    Thank you!!

  4. I love that poem, you are such an amazing inspiration of someone carrying such a heavy cross and clinging more and more to Him.

  5. Thanks for your sweet comment. Hope you're having a nice weekend. (Report cards are about 1/3 done.. now I'm procrastinating!)
