Saturday, August 7, 2010

What is going on??

Last night I was just a bundle of nerves. That is probably a huge understatement.

I ended up doing one more chore of changing the sheets on our bed and making it before my husband got home and I only did it to show productivity! Earlier in the day I had done all the grocery shopping at Wal.mart and put away all the groceries and repacked the meat in portion sized to put in the freezer - so I wonder if I overdid it in a short period of time. By the way, God is totally providing right now - we got an unexpected insurance check in the mail that paid for all the groceries and I was able to stockpile a bit with essentials like bread, milk, meat, etc. Also, Mac 'n cheese. I am not a fan of this at all, but the other day I made some because we had it in the pantry and I about fell in love! hahaha, totally not my typical self.

So anyway, my husband wanted to treat me out to a dinner last night. I could barely muster up the energy to leave the house. I had been looking foward to this all week, so I kept going despite my anxiety about my hormone levels. We headed to a favorite restaurant and it was too busy s0 we went to my favorite (mexican) and shared a meal. What a bargain and we were both stuffed. So after we leave, we have about a 35 minute car ride home. Once again, I was just so irritable about the long, bumpy ride. I kept feeling pulsations near my bottom and it was making me terrified. My husband already thinks I worry too much, but he could completely see the fear and worry on my face. We made it home and I immediately laid down and it slowed down, then he gave me a shot. I felt better and laid on the heating pad. I do wonder what is going on with shot on the right side, though. They just hurt! I then took all my nightly meds, and waiting as long as I could to do the suppository. My sleep was so disturbed. I woke up after two hours with some uncomfortable feelings in my belly really on the left side. It ended up relaxing and this morning I slept as long as I could to just remain laying flat!
I got on the computer last night before the shot to see what could have been causing those symptoms, I was determined that I would know what contractions (BH or otherwise) would feel like. It turns out that was not what I was feeling, according to Dr. Google, but I just don't know what is going on. If any of you have some ideas, please share. I can't keep living in fear. I have to embrace what God is doing in my life! Somehow it will all work out, even if I have to be on bedrest - this miracle will remain to be our biggest blessing!!!


  1. Sorry, I don't have any advice, but I will send prayers!

  2. I don't have any advice either but I will pray that you'll be able to enjoy this pregnancy and not have to worry so much.

  3. early contractions feel like someone is making a fist and then releasing it over and over. for me it was on the very top of my stomach. No pain at all. I didn't think it was anything, just asked the doc. out of curiosity. Good thing! they gave me a shot and put me on bed rest and they went away. If you start feeling sharp repeating pains on the front or the back, and/or have bleeding, go see the doctor, too, just in case. They can feel differently for different people but sharp repeated pains are never good. Otherwise I wouldn't worry too much.

  4. It's just a guess, but I think it's simply the result of overdoing it. I wouldn't worry, as long as there are no real contractions or bleeding. If you want to put your mind at ease, don't feel bad about calling the doctor. But I think a little physical rest will do the trick. Hope you are feeling better!! You are over halfway there, thank the Lord! :)

  5. I'm sorry that you have weird symptoms that are worrying you. I hope you just overdid and are feeling better. I almost called you today; I've been have weird pressure (not really pain) mainly in the area of what feels like my left ovary (I do have it on the right I'm pretty sure, but it's not as strong). I hope that you are doing better.
