Thursday, August 5, 2010

Life these days

Life these days have been really relaxing.

I hate to say it, but I haven't gotten out of the house today and I spent quite a bit of time just laying around. I managed to do all the laundry, vaccuum the whole house, and cook dinner/cleaned the kitchen, but other than that - very little else.

I have been spending a great deal of time praying for my PB, reading, and just resting. I have been having a pretty good amount of back pain, but after laying down for awhile I feel better. I do have to admit that it makes the alarms go off in my head. Thankfully, it eases up after awhile.

On a fun note, yesterday my husband came in the door carrying the largest watermelon I have seen! It was too big to even fit in the fridge, so we cut and cubed it all up and it was the most delicious thing I have eaten in the last two days! He went out on a job and the gentleman gave it from his farm. Woo-hoo!!! I love watermelon and it is awesome, so sweet!

I am so glad that this baby is growing and thriving! I am praying everyday that this baby keeps doing so good! I am amazed that there is a baby in MY womb - after all of these years of desiring this miracle. I am still so thankful for this pregnancy, but I will admit that I want this for all of my friends who have traveled with me on this journey. I am still praying and offering up sacrifice for all couples dealing with the pain of IF or loss of a child in any way.

My energy level just plummets lately and just today I was wondering what the days ahead will look like. One day at a time - one step at a time, with God by my side.


  1. Mmmmm, watermelon!

    I'm so happy to hear about your day. You needed a good day! (But sorry about the crash - I wonder if you need some adrenal fatigue support? Dr H told me he would definately consider treating someone during pg who did not receive treatment before getting pg!)

  2. Oh, that watermelon sounds heavenly!! Ahhhhh!

    I am so excited that the days are counting down till you get to meet Little Bit face to face! Keep enjoying these days!

  3. GOOD FOR YOU! I am so happy you took a day to jsut chill! And really, you did a lot, you really got a lot done! go you! I love so much how you know how blessed you are with this baby and how you are taking every day and at least trying to enjoy it (even if it can be hard with all the stuff you guys are dealing with)
    You are a beautiful witness and I pray this blog and the feelings you shared of your pregnancy will bless you in the future with wonderful memories!

  4. I had to laugh at your first paragraph--you did what to me is a full day of housework and then said you just laid around and didn't do much! :-)

    Glad you are feeling relaxed! You certainly earned a day to chill out.

    PS--I love your blog. It's so inspiring. I got happier just reading this post.

  5. So glad that you had a good day! I love accomplishing things around the house too!

  6. Nothing feels better than a clean house and then some relaxation! So glad you had a good day. I love your spirit and your heart for others who are still waiting.

    20 weeks... you are halfway there! Rejoicing with you over this miracle!
