Friday, August 6, 2010

Progesterone Worries

Over the weekend and all of this week I have just been feeling so drained. Drained to the point that I really do wonder if I will be able to care for our baby well. Maybe I am being a bit too hard on myself, but I am used to working full-time and doing all that I am doing now (most likely more). I went to bed last night with the laundry still in the dryer because I just couldn't do one more thing. Really sad.

That all being said, I really felt that my progesterone was dropping. The shot from last friday night did not go well, made a big lump and hurt alot. I don't usually have that kind of pain anymore with the shots, we have a great system that works! Every once in awhile, something seems to not be ideal for whatever reason. I tried to blame my fatigue on caring for a young teen all week and cooking up a storm to keep his belly full :) It just really did not go away. I pushed myself monday and then on tuesday and was just "DONE" by the time I got home . . . while I was driving I literally wanted to have a magic carpet that would drop me off at my door. Really fatigued. I slept so much the last two days, really sleeping in and/or taking naps. So I was really worried about my progesterone levels. I was supposed to start doing the draws every three weeks to save some money (per Dr. H's approval) but I really did not feel like waiting another week to see what was going on with my progesterone levels. Well, praise God, I went in and shipped out the blood on Tuesday and today I got the results. My level was 32.something! I was immediately filled with anxiety. Dr.'s recommended I add more progesterone, a vaginal suppository - 300 mg at bedtime. I am not opposed to taking the extra progesterone, Iwill do WHATEVER it takes to make sure this baby is thriving and arrives at the best possible time for their survival. See, you can see just how much anxiety is whirling around in my heart right now. The nurse asked me if I had been having cramps, etc. I did not think that I had, but looking back on it, I did but I thought it was bowel problems. Honestly, I did start to feel a bit better after the shot on Tuesday night. That shot went well and thank goodness I have been feeling the baby more, so that eases my heart.
I really just need to stay relaxed and trust that God is in control here and in control of the life of my precious baby.
So, I will add the extra progesterone this evening, continue the PIO, and keep taking the oral progesterone 2xdaily. I am so thankful that I have a team of specialists helping me keep an eye on this critical concern during this miracle pregnancy. I do wonder if it takes more progesterone support for women of my size. Is this a factor? I had gained about seven pounds and then now it is all gone. My weight is up and done all the time. I don't care - I just want my baby to be born healthy - I want to meet my baby and hold them close to my heart! Please God, keep your eyes on this baby of ours!


  1. I'm sorry that you have been stressed out about your progesterone levels. The good news is that they are being monitored and treated to give LB every possible chance. I'm praying for you.

  2. Can you have someone check your thyroid too? Those levels are recommended to be checked frequently especially during pregnancy because they fluctuate....

    I'm glad you on the big guns now with p4! ;)

    Sorry there are so many things for you to worry about.... ;) I was just thinking this morning that this is the ONLY time tt is going to be safe, even under the conditions my broken body has to offer... ;)

  3. So sorry that you have to worry about your progesterone levels!!

    Sending extra prayers your way!

  4. Hang in there and keep trusting! I'm sending extra prayers too!

  5. Oh, I'll be praying for you! I can understand how you must be feeling after your past experiences. I will be asking Him for peace for you and protection over your sweet little baby.

  6. Joining the others in the extra prayers. Thinking of you!
