Friday, August 27, 2010

Prayers Answered

Thank you all for your encouraging words about the situation with my Mom. I called her today to see how she was feeling and she admitted feeling "mean" these days and feeling "down". I told her I picked up on that a bit, but that I needed to talk to her about Jospeh's name. She apologized, but told me she does like his name and did not mean to come across that way. Praise God for answered prayers. This was bothering me. I kept thinking about it last night when I should have been sleeping. Thank you for your prayers, I needed them to have the courage to talk to her and for God to have room to move :)

In other news, my day was super busy with the new job. I missed having time to just feel Joseph kick and not be sidetracked ;) I also missed the kitties. The job is a good one and the ladies all seem to be kind. It is in the insurance field and it is a whole new world to me. I have the sense that I can be honest about my feelings there with the boss and she asked me today how long I would be willing to stay and I told her that as long as my health and the baby's health remains good, I would be able to work as long as needed before the Joseph is born.

We had a shrimp sandwich before coming home, so we are all filled up and I get to go to bed soon, can it get any better? hahaha Sleep . . . it is a luxury that I love!!!! It won't last long, I know! I have to take advantage of the time I have now! I honestly can't wait to lose sleep caring for Joseph. I know I will be worn ous and might mumble and grumble to my husband or others close to me when I am exhausted but I will still remember that getting up in the middle of the night - comforting my baby is a gift that I should never, ever take for granted.


  1. I love reading your blog, but I'm having a hard time doing so with the black screening over the print! Have mercy on us 40 year olds hon, we can't see well as it is! I really do want to read every word! Blessings on you and your Joseph! Enjoy every moment!

  2. This is so wonderful!! I am so excited for everything that is to come for you. And I'm glad things are better with your mom.

    PS: I agree with Danya, it's hard to read with the black screening... I am 43, that's my excuse! :)

  3. LMBO! I didn't want to say anything either but I'm only 31 and I have a hard time reading it too....hahahaha But I LOVE the background I hope it's not a PITA to change it.

    Glad you like where you are working! I think Joseph will grow on her when she sees him. My girlfriend named her daughter Ma.ylee and I told her it sounded like a pets name. Now actually I couldn't imagine her not named ma.ylee.... ;) hahahaha

  4. hahaha ladies :)

    Seriously, the day I decided to change it, I went through about a dozen of backgrounds and this was the best I could find. It was not fun to try to work out and I got frustrated and left it. I will try to work something else out because I don't find it too pleaseing either. I just wanted some cheerful blue :) Any volunteers? I am seriously bad at doing stuff on the blog layout.

  5. Leila is the blog hacker aka expert! She can help! 'Love the bows and dots and blue though, so don't change those!

  6. I'm glad the situation with your mom is better and the job is going well.

    Here are a couple backgrounds I like for you:

    Summer Breeze


    Calm Breeze

    Little Boy Blue you'll need to scroll down; it's near the bottom half of the page

  7. mrsblondies, you are a lifesaver (blogsaver)! I loved the choices you suggested! I think this new one looks great :) Thanks for helping me out!!

  8. I love the blog background!!! Great choice!!! Mrs. B, way to go! :)

  9. Praise God that you found a nice job and flexible too. Woohoo!
