Tuesday, August 10, 2010


the joke is on me :)
No, seriously, I had a u/s today because the doctor wanted to make sure all was well based on my feelings from Friday evening. So I woke up early, went to the appointment and there was a new U/S tech there and so she gets down to business quickly. I wasn't really nervous because I have been feeling the baby move. I am just feeling extra crabby, gross, and tired from that extra progesterone (vaginal suppository)! Anyway, we see the baby moving, great heartbeat (143), praise God, and that my cervix looks just the way it should at this stage in my pregnancy. At least that is what she said. By the way, the baby is getting so big ;) Everytime I see the baby, I am stunned into silence - just adoring this miracle. I tell anyone who will listen how miraculous this baby is to us and for the world! I never tire of celebrating this life! So anyway, as she is trying to do measurements, I mention that the baby did not cooperate last time in reveaing their gender, she looked and looked, and looked but was just blown away that the amount of scar tissue that shadowed much of picture. So no news on the gender of our baby and I am not even sure we will find out before the birth of this child, but you know - that is not important although my husband is excited to know!! I really think that the guy we usually see for the u/s (the one we will see next time we go on 8/19) will be able to see, at least I am hoping so! I really think that it would be fun to be suprised and wait for the big reveal and it would be great to know now!!! Either way, just as long as our baby keeps growing and arrives safely - my dreams will come true!!In other news, I am doing better. Really not liking taking the extra progesterone. It is really giving me hot flashes and I am not able to hold my tongue - I try to express myself with kindness (not always working, ask my husband and mom).


The progesterone (V.S.) is miserable. I am apparently having a somewhat allergic reaction to the formula they used (the one I used for the past two nights is waxy) and when I talked to the nurse at PPVI she said she will fix it with the pharmacy. It is awful and the only reason I am sharing this is because I don't want someone to ever have to experience this. Last year I took some (Progesterone v.s.) from k.ubats and they were cap formula and yucky but a dream compared to this one I am taking now. Over the weekend, I took cap forms, just a lower dose and was fine. I was literally miserable yesterday and so far today. I will spare you all the details, but thankfully the nurse is right on it. I don't want to do anything to harm my baby, but this IS NOT WORKING for the Mama!!! Please pray that I will heal quickly from this and that the new formula is free or exchanged for the new meds and that they WORK perfectly for Mama and baby!


  1. I can't believe you are already 21 weeks. I'm glad LB is doing well, although it's sad that it's because you haven't been feeling well and are worried about progesterone. I hope you do get to find out soon if LB is a boy or girl. I'm guessing girl.

  2. I had the same symptoms and more on the prog. I would mention them to the nurses because they eventually mentioned them to Dr. H and he took me off of it because it sounded to him like I was having an adverse reaction. Just a suggestion. Glad the baby is growing big and getting stronger by the day!

  3. Ack, I am still dying to know what this baby is, ha ha!! Not as much as you are, I am sure!! :)

    God is good! I hope you feel better soon. Praying!

  4. So happy Little Bit is doing well.

  5. Great news!!! I promise to say some extra prayers for you at St. Gianna's Shrine!

  6. Oh friend, I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling quite right and that the worries are sticking around, too. That is not easy to deal with and I sure pray that it will be better soon. Thankfully you can feel the baby moving and you know from the u/s that he or she is doing great!

    Sure would be fun to know the gender, but I understand that you just want this baby to arrive safely! Knowing boy or girl will just be icing on the cake, whenever you do find out. :)

    Praying for you!
