Sunday, August 29, 2010


My husband and I went to Tar.get last night and did our Registry for Joseph.

I have to admit, I started out with a good measure of anxiety but the joy was amazing. At one point (actually several times), I would just look at my husband in complete awe that we had somehow made it to this stage in our lives. There are no real words to describe the flutters in my heart and the huge smile on our faces.

It may have been a bit early to do it, but time seems to be flying in one sense and dragging on in another. After my first day of working, I knew that my energy level will never be the same once I am working more. I will just want to come home and rest at the end of the day. So we took a late nap and then headed to Tar.get! We are so excited.

There was only one thing that still baffles me. I do plan to nurse (praying that will work out for us) but still registered for some bottles and such in the event that it is needed. I do not exactly know what I will need to nurse. I know I will possibly need a pump and pads, but other than that, not sure. No one in either side of our families nursed their babies. Isn't that odd? I have nothing against bottle feeding, I am just praying that nursing will work for us. I am prepared to sacrifice and for it to be much harder than I can even imagine, but I do have some great friends who will offer support and my husband is on board 100% so that is extremely helpful. Do any of you have suggestions on essentials that I would need to possibly add to the registry in regard to nursing? This is really new to us.

You know, last night I was thinking about our trip to Disney World and how I would always get in the lines, no matter how long they were, with D & J and just wait it out to get to the show, ride, etc that we wanted to experience. I would hear others complain, grumble, whine. I would just wait. I knew that eventually I would get to the front of the time, all it would take was some time and sacrifice (my poor feet). Unfortunately, that is not the same with IF. We waited along time to get to close to "parenthood" We never, ever knew we would get there, we just kept waiting - trying to be patient. We were tested, beaten down, got sent to the back of line many times when we were on the verge of getting there. Sometimes we would even be able to get on the "ride" only to find there was a malfunction and we were escorted off of the "ride" - much to our sorrow - we waited, we got there, we were told to leave. This is such a different experience for us, we are forever grateful. Not taking it for granted, just humble.

This reflection reminds me of today's readings for mass. In all honesty, we will all be judged on how we loved - whether we are at the end of the line, standing, waiting, praying or if we just made it to the on-ramp for the ride and amazed that the new adventure is right before with nothing left in our way.

St. Joseph, pray for us.

St. Gerard, pray for us.

St. Gianna, pray for us.

St. Therese, pray for us.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.

Sam & Nicky, pray for us!


  1. You really shouldn't need much to nurse. Get in touch with your local Le Leche League before hand and go to a couple meetings. They can be a huge help. And remember, breastfeeding isn't supposed to hurt, so if it does get some help from either LLL or a lactation consultant.

  2. Get the washable pads, not the disposable. They hold 3x as much and end up being cheaper in the long run. (Just don't use fabric softener on them.)

  3. I never really used the pads, but everyone is different. I got a nice nursing cover that bowed over the top so I could look down and see baby, but several I know were skilled enough to make them.
    I nursed a full year but still needed lots of bottles. I worked part time, but even if you stay home you will need a bottles to feed what you pump and occasional formula to supplement. I needed the formula when I got mastitis and my supply was low and then eventually I couldn't pump enough to cover what C would eat. It is good, IMO, to intro a bottle when they can take it and keep it up regularly enough so that dad can feed and you can have an overnight with dh and leave joseph with grandma etc so the bottles you registered for will come in handy. I liked my playte.x drop in system since I was able to pump into the liners and seal them, then drop them into a bottle to feed, then throw out the liner afterwards and not have to clean the bottle. :)

  4. Registering is so much fun! I'm glad you got to experience it!

  5. I used the Avent manual pump and bottles and storage stuff when I nursed Mikey. I remember that it was really important to introduce the bottles somewhat early, so that they get used to both ways of feeding unless you are opposed to bottle feeding altogether. But Mikey took it like a pro and it made it much easier for me to leave here and there. Otherwise, where you go, baby goes! I use the disposable nursing pads and love them. I got the Lan.sinoh ones and also the gel soothies for soreness. I know everyone says you're not supposed to be sore and if you are it means something is wrong, but I haven't met a mom yet who didn't have pain in nursing. I hope that's me this time around though! That's pretty much all I have for nursing. It's such a joy and I hope it works well for you too!

  6. I think it's great that you went ahead and started the registry! (Please send me a link!!) I say it's not too early at all. Now is the perfect time to get it going while you have the energy -- seriously! And you can always keep adding to it. Registering made me feel the same way that you described. We were both in awe that we were finally doing this for US and for OUR baby. Praise God!

    Wow, we are in the same boat when it comes to breastfeeding. No one in our immediate families nursed either, with the exception of my MIL, but I can't really go to her for advice on the subject as she is very private. Fortunately I have some good friends who will be my go-to people for nursing support and tips. I really do want to give it my best shot. So far I've found good advice in these books: So That's What They're For by Janet Tamaro, and The Complete Book of Breastfeeding by Marvin Eiger & Sally Wendkos Olds.

    As far as supplies, we have purchased (we did register for this stuff, but realized pretty quickly that no one buys it for you!) breast pads, storage bottles and bags, lanolin cream, a nursing cover and nursing pillow (I have a Boppy, but a friend said she loved hers - called My Breast Friend - way better), and some gel soothies. I do have a few regular bottles in case we need them but have been advised to wait and purchase these in larger numbers if the need arises later.

    Sorry this is so long! Feel free to email me about any of the things I mentioned. I'll be sure and let you know which items turned out to be essential!

    So excited for you about the new job and about sweet baby Joseph in general!!
