Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Too Much

I have had too much on my mind lately. All kinds of things. Great things and some things to make me wonder.

My last appointment with my local ob was good. I told her some of my symptoms about being more tired and weak, requiring more sleep, and she gave me a list of blood work to do. I was trying to put it off until I went back for my next progesterone draw, but I am not thinking that will be wise. She wanted to check my iron levels, t4 levels, and do the first glucose testing for monitoring for gestational diabetes.

My husband thinks that I am definitely dealing with low iron issues. I almost could not go to the grocery store yesterday like I planned. Instead, I took a little nap, woke up completely refreshed and then headed to town to do the errands. I did well, no weakness in the store. Yet, today, I found myself facing the weakness, dizzy feeling again and it is more pronounced in the mornings so I think I will just go in tomorrow for the blood tests, the doctor recommended that I fast for them, so I will do that first thing tomorrow.

I dealt with really low iron after my emergency surgery last May and had to stay in the hospital longer because my levels just would not rise. With good food at home (all iron-rich foods) I got better after while. I just looked up some information on low iron in pregnancy which I knew was common, but it told me to stay away from liver. I am just tired of thinking about food all the time. It takes a great deal of energy to do all the meal planning now, which I stink at. I did get soem great deals at the grocery store yesterday on meats, so at least now we have some more variety.

I have also been dealing with a crazy headach but it finally eased up. I get the headache at the weirdest times, primarly when laying down. Does anyone know what could be causing this?

I have been finding that I am not so neurotic about worrying about this pregnancy since my last appointment and then getting the call from PPVI that my P4 numbers were rising and showing improvement. See, at first, I thought the fatigue had to do with the increase in progesterone and pregnancy. Everything crosses over, but I have felt weaker the last two days. At least my appetite is steady these days. I had my first experience with true morning sickness the other day with a great deal of time spent around the toilet. It was horrible. I have not had a banana since!!! I do have to say that I felt 100% better after that and was able to eat a hearty lunch that my wonderful friend treated me too!

It has been fun feeling the baby move and while the feelings are not as strong from the inside, they are now visible (clearly) on the outside of my belly. I can see my belly move alot these days and even feel the clothes or covers move in relation to how the baby is kicking. Absolutely amazing. This has helped in lessing my anxiety about whether the baby is doing fine, praise God.

In regard to being pregnant with a squirmy little boy after trying for nearly 10 years, I am brought to tears in boundless joy. I can't say that I really knew this day was going to come, I only prayed that God would allow us to make it to this stage in our life. We did our part, we acted in fatih, but by grace, God has allowed us to experience this miracle.

I hate to say that, knowing so many of my friends are still waiting, still grieving. I feel as though sometimes I am neglectful of their feelings when I share my wonder and excitment about baby Joseph. Yet, I know that I would get so much hope while I was waiting and grieving by reading about others' miracles.

I am about to head to take a nap. What a tough life, right?


  1. My iron was borderline and I added Total cereal (they have it with raisins too) and I feel much better. Otherwise, maybe make sure you're getting enough protein. We are supposed to get 100g of protein every day, which is a TON! It's kind of hard to do but I've felt better since increasing. Also, is your blood pressure ok? Sometimes headaches can be related. I hope you feel better soon and continue to enjoy your miracle :)

  2. Giiiiirl, get you some stinging nettle leaf tea.
    I get mine from but you can get it from several sources online.
    Alternatively, you can take the capsules, but I highly recommend the infusion instead.
    I'm a non red meat eater, and I have perfect iron levels and was also fine through my entire pregnancy. And the calcium content of nettles is not to be trifled with.

    From the interwebs:

    Use nettle and get the nutrient-rich benefits: protein 21%, polysaccharides, vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E and K; and minerals, iron (41.8mg per 100 g), calcium (2,900mg), magnesium (860mg), potassium (1,750mg); chromium, iodine, silica, silicon, selenium and sulphur.

  3. Sorry to hear you've not been feeling well, hopefully the tests will help pinpoint what's wrong so they can fix it!

  4. I hope you find some answers soon... It is so nice to hear about Joseph moving around! What a joy!!

  5. I hope you get some answers and feel better soon.
