Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What is with this attitude???

I don't know what the heck is going on with me but I am about the meanest, grumpiest, and dowright sassy woman here is SWLA! Well, there is one contender trying to beat me out of this post and it would be my direct supervisor! She gets in these funks and it makes me miserable! I usually just let it roll right off my shoulder but that was not happening at all today. Part of me always wants to look at what is going on with my cycle for some answers to this. I am cd 26, but according to my chart my P day was on day 21 (at least I think so) . The fertile cm gave me tons of mucus and every day I would think was my peak day! Talk about a loose cannon when I am trying to hurry and find out my peak since I have time-sensitive hcg meds. Is that too much to ask? See, I am sassy! Yet, today and last night I could have been certain that I was having my typical pms symptoms. Then another sign that my hormones are not right is that I sometimes get 2 - 3 dark hair around my chin that make me feel like a total freak! It is always in the same places and it seems to just show up overnight. I am so sorry that this post is so depressing.
Things are not looking so great for my mom and I am worried about some of my other relatives that I just don't know what to do about right now.
My Monday off was very productive and then I got a migrane in the afternoon and it lasted until midmorning tuesday.
I am just very discouraged about the way this cycle is turning out. Nothing seems right. My mucus pattern seemed confusing. I don't feel like I could possibly be pregnant right now. It would only be because God wills it and allowed new life to be nested into my womb.
I am trying to learn to eat healthy and I am having the hardest time staying motivated. I came home and made 5 chocolate chip cookies. I only ate 3, J ate the other two. We are having baked chicken breasts, salad, and some mashed potatoes. I keep thinking that I would like to start the low gi diet but don't know which book would be most helpful for me to start with. I was doing LA W.eight L.oss last year, but I am never in the city where it is for long enough during the week days to go in for my consultations. Something has to change. I keep saying that I am going to walk to a video I have, but failed to do it this afternoon. I just keep figuring that if it is my weight that is keeping me from conceiving, I really need to do something about it. I am making a commitment to do more. I am so down about this, but I really think that even if I make one good choice, it will start to make me want to make more better choices!
Let's see, hopefully tomorrow will be less moody!


  1. I often wonder if the fertility meds put us IF women in a funk... I've had mornings where I woke up in a horrible mood. I drink coffee every morning and that helps but I'm just ready to spit venom! I don't even like myself when I feel that way. Criminey. Oh well....I'm half heartingly trying to watch what I eat. Next week I'll be doing progesterone again and who knows what that will do to my cravings. I sometimes try to remember that I am on fertility meds and I have to roll with it. I hope you feel better and happy soon. I'm so thankful my DH is very understanding (and usually not home when I get raving mad for nothing at all. Haaa!). God Bless.

  2. Life--I have to say I think your moody days might be me on a "normal" day! hahaha

    I hate migraines. The last one I had knocked me out all day. I took excedrin migraine and within 1/2 hour I was walking around. I never knew there was an over the counter drug that would help. Now when I get any kind of headache I take that stuff. I am in love!!

    I know you can do that diet! Your end goal is baby!!! You have it in you! I think the first month is the hardest but seriously the first week of a diet is pretty rough. Considering all the withdrawals. I say get anyone of the low gi diet books. It takes some getting used to but when you finally rid sugar out of your life it just doesn't do it for you after awhile. I think sugar affects my headaches? Do you think it gives you headaches?

    I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday and ate 12!!!!!!!!!! What the heck! Well I ate 6, but probably 6 more in the batter I was sucking down! That is why I don't keep sweets in the house! I can't stop myself!

  3. Rather than a full-blown diet, one thing that I've found working for me is to make one or two little changes. Maybe try a healthy food you haven't eaten before, or walk for 10 minutes a day... very small things. Then every week or two add a new thing (or take something out -- I've been trying not to be on the computer so much. It's painful, but do-able. LOL) I'm still working hard! It's not easy, but hang in there! You deserve to be healthy.

  4. I always recommend "The G.I. Diet" by Rick Gallop, and in particular, the "Express" version because it is less expensive and is more to the point.

    You can do it! For me, a pregnancy was far greater motivation than just looking good, so just stay focused on that (although I am now finding that being thin is a great side effect). Just think, if you start it now, you could lose a ton of weight by the start of summer (oh my goodness..I sound like someone on a weight loss commercial!)

    Seriously though, as I'm sure you probably know from my blog, my diet has been the greatest thing that has happened to me since this whole infertility journey began. I hate to sound like I am trying to convert people to it, but I guess I am just so thankful for the effect it's had on my health, that I want others to know too.

    Email me any time you want for motivation or tips.
