Thursday, February 5, 2009

Better Day

I had a much better day today. I woke up determined to not let others control my reactions today. My direct supervisor was on a war path today, but I just stood my ground and then later asked her how she was doing. That sort of turned the tables and allowed her to vent. I think she has been so stressed and I am the one who sees so much of it.
I also did great with my dinner choices last night and all day today. I did a couple short walks throughout the day so I think that helped with my energy and spirit. I really appreciate all of your comments and support. It really helped me as I processed things today. What I think really helped was that I packed some healthy snacks today to eat throughout the day so that I would not be starving at certain points of the day and just give in an indulge in something terrible for me. This change really helped. My DH had to put his vehicle in the shop so I picked him up this afternoon and he offered to get us some fast food but I just kept driving home, intending to have a salad and grilled chicken sandwich. I did have a coke though. That really is a weakness for me, but I drank water all day before that. Just gotta keep up the momentum.
In cycle news, still just having to use green stickers and no pms symptoms today. I really feel that I had no idea when my true P day was, so I am not able to figure out when my next cd 1 should start.
Yesterday, I was so down in the dumps, I was thinking "How will I keep this up for the next 18 months?" I really wanted to just quit all of the medical treatments and meds and just get a removal of all the defective female parts! Today, I received my answer. I remember that I make a committment to be open to life and this is my way to being open to life. I can do this. This morning as I was getting ready, I was thinking that the way these cycles are coming, it would come across that I am bipolar! I sure hope not!
I so blessed that God is calling me to himself and revealing his love to me in countless ways throughout the day. So glad that today I was able to recognize a few of those ways today!


  1. Praises for a better day! You know I had a good day too. Good for us is what I say! :)

    Your boss is very lucky to have such a gentle spirited employee like you. I am sure that she appreciated you allowing her to give voice to her frustrations.

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! I am sooooooooooooooo proud of you for driving on by and not giving into the fast food. There must be some kind of award for that somewhere! :) If not, then you get to be the first! :) How awesome and way to go.

    I have found too that the more healthy that I am eating the better that I feel throughout the whole day. Getting in some exercise is just the key to helping me top my day and have extra energy. A little indulgence with a Coke is not bad. In fact it may be a good thing to help your body stir things up so that it does not get used to the same routine and foods all of the time. :) Speaking of Coke, have you ever tried Coke Zero? I love it and in fact like it better than regular Coke. It truly has the same great regular Coke taste but without all of the sugar and carbs. Boy, I guess I sound like a commercial don't I. (lol)

    What joy you bring to the world and inspiration to so many of us. Opening up and living life each day is my goal. I am trying to find that place of contentment in my life where God knows my deepest heart's desires and callings and I can honestly say that I am faithfully waiting on Him and His time. Some days I fall, but I just remember the poem Footprints and that seems to be a source of calmness and hope for me.

    Your always in my prayers. You are living a good and right life and I am so glad to have you as part of mine. You are such a sweetheart and I want you to know that I am here for you whenever you need me.

    Hugs and blessings,

  2. I'm so glad you had a better day! I, too, was going to leave a comment about Coke Zero! I think it is so good and tastes a lot better than diet coke.

  3. Thanks for the sweet encouragement. I will have to pick up a Coke Zero next time.

  4. If I sat next to you during Mass we would be in the cry room! For sure! :) hahahaha Barren and Cryin'!!

    We totally go to the 8am Mass where there are no couples. I can't handle babies or pregnant women. I can't even handle a woman in her child bearing years. Is that bad????

    Cheers to a new day! :) Praise Jesus the moods do pass! Nothing that the fabric store and McDonald's couldn't help fix!!! hahahahaha
