Saturday, February 21, 2009

Called and Blessed

I recently got an invitation to a luncheon from my dear friend who taught me Creighton in 2007. By the way, it hit me today that we started learing the method almost two years ago in March. We hit alot of roadblocks with getting our letter written to Dr. Hilgers to be accepted as his patient. My instructor and friend was then pregnant with her seventh child and with a full life and she was basically teaching me the method bc she really felt called by God to do so. She had not taught anyone for the last several years bc of being so filled with attending to the needs of her family. When our paths crossed, she was filled with compassion and shared the gift of Creighton with me. So we would meet when we could and then all was delayed a little when she gave birth to her seventh child at the age of 42. I am saying all this background info to explain why I have so much hope for myself at this point. Well, the invitation to the luncheon included her friend giving a presentation on Shak.lee products so that my instructor can earn some more money while staying home raising her little family. On the invitation, it said the name of the lady giving the presentation for her and the name seemed so very familiar. It turns out this was the lady that taught my instructor the Model and they worked together in sharing this with other families for over 10 years. I learned a great deal about the products they represented and when everyone left, I shared my story and thankfulness to both of these women for being courageous and giving some of their life's energy to transform my life. We are talking about a true legacy of love, compassion, and ministry for families by families.

I shared with her that my instructor offered to teach me the model in 2007. I was accepted as a patient of Dr. Hilgers at the end of 2007 and the majority of the 2008 was full of medical procedures from Dr. Hilgers. I expressed my gratitude for being treated with dignity and respect. She then relayed to me that she was in her 30's when she began working with Dr. Hilgers. She laughingly told me that he was determined to get her pregnant. He was so passionate about it, so determined. I almost got the impression that his determination buoyed her on the rough patches of the treatment programs. She did not say it was easy. But she did say it was worth it. She told me that she now has 4 beautiful children. The oldest is 24, married, and then she has a 21 year old, 15 year old, and then a 13 (I think) year old. She clearly told me that she had to take progesterone injections to keep her pregnacies and she did lose several early on. While this is not the first time someone has told me to not be disappointed if I do conceive and miscarry, because it is showing progress. I don't like the idea of losing another child to miscarriage. This woman talked about her miscarriages so easily, that I knew she had to have the peace of Christ dwelling in her. I am just hoping that in the last 20 years, the research he has learned about low progesterone in early pregnancy will be enough to help any babies that are conceived to remain living in my womb until they are ready to live outside the womb. She and my instructor just looked at me not with pity, but with understanding. I felt like I would soon be in this league of women, like they were preparing me to join in this journey of motherhood. Does this make any sense??? I just got the impression that they were assured that I will be raising my own children one day soon. It was not just a hope, but an assured hope.

Within minutes, I explain to them that I really feel called to go forth and share this wealth of information to the women who are suffering in our community and I want to get the support of the diocese that I work for and possibly the doctor that I see. I tell them about my shower epiphany. I was in the shower today just wondering why God is making me wait for our baby. I have been trying to let myself and my success speak volumes to the priests and those in family life ministry that what I sought healing for and going nearly across the country was worth it. I have been telling myself that when I am pregnant people will listen and I will have greater courage to put myself out there to share this information with others. Then it hit me "Why do I have to wait for God to show favor on me, for me to allow him to use me for this ministry?" I think I would have jumped on the bandwagon a long time ago, but my husband in his wisdom continues to tell me that we need to allow my body to heal well before we go out and promote this way. Everyone I talk to seems to agree with him. So here I am waiting, supposedly assured, for my babies to come. I feel called to this ministry, but am I? I want people to have the knowledge but does it have to be me? If not me, then who? This lady was so fired up with my passion for wanting to get the support of the church here, she offered to share the information they presented to their bishop and priests in their diocese. She also told me about a support group in Houston that is for infertility and Creighton Support. She is willing to offer her assistance in preparing information to present to my bishop, who is very pro-life. I know all bishops should be, but he makes a point to validate life in all ways and it makes me proud. I also see him all the time and talk with him but cannot seem to get the courage of St. Therese to make my interest known. I will continue praying for this and I ask for your prayers as I wait for our babies to come. Then will I be too busy for this? If you all knew me in person, you would know that I am a very shy person. I have to be motivated passionately to be bold and I am ready to be bold like St. Therese and all the other saints in making this mission known. I believe that God will open the doors when he is ready for them to open.

1 comment:

  1. It's really neat that you met someone who was helped by Dr. Hilgers.

    I've been thinking lately that I need to be doing something like what you are talking about to share information on infertility with our parish/diocese. However, I'm not sure how to go about it.

    We need to try to get together in person sometime. It would be nice to have someone in person going through the same things.
