Sunday, January 13, 2013

It's the little things

Sometimes gratefulness just overwhelms me.

Sometimes my heart remembers just how much I longed for the ordinariness of picking up after little ones, washing more cups, or even just preparing a meal for the ones I love.

Yet my heart will never forget just how watching Joseph play on the kitchen floor racing his monster trucks or Thomas trains fills my soul with more thankfulness than I ever thought possible! It just seems incredible that my life includes his life giving presence!
I just love this stage of discovery, excitement, and joy! I love having this little boy to love and I am so grateful that he returns that love to me and his Daddy!

We made it church today (all five of us at the same mass) for 7 am! Incredible, right? Well, lets see - weather was a mess last night so we lost electricity which woke Joseph us off and on from 2-3 am and then he was up for good at 4 am! Oh well, we snuggled for a long while and in an effort to preserve sanity, he got to watch his favorite show and then we got dressed and headed out! Holy mass was beautiful, Joseph was LOUD for the first 20 minutes telling us all exactly where Jesus and Mary are and that he hears the music and he danced his way through mass. Learned so much in the moments I could hear the priest, lector, and cantor!

The song "earthen vessels" ministered to my heart in such a powerful way this morning I fouled myself crying, thanking God for the gift I hold everyday - because in Joseph, Christ dwells and in everything I do for him and for the two older boys I do for Christ! My vocation was crystalized in the moment!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. And I'm beyond impressed about 7am mass!
