Monday, September 16, 2013

60 seconds

60 seconds is enough time for this crazy Momma to capture way too many pictures of her cutie!

We picked up Matthew from school early for a doctor appointment and while we waited we hung out outside on the benches. Joseph was thrilled. He loves to go to the big school to get Matthew.
As I wilt under the discernment process of what I am called to choose for Joseph's education, I was rather sad seeing him like 'school' so much and look so natural there, but really he is so cute!!!
These pictures are strictly for my memories ;))

Thankfully, we have a whole 2 more years before he would even be old enough for this school! Even as I write those words I am fully aware of how fast those two years will go! So I will continue to discern if God's will is homeschool, private school, or public school. My heart keeps saying homeschool despite my abundant fears and and my logical, scared self says private school (hubs leaning toward this one). And our financially poor selves scream the local public school.
I never thought of homeschooling prior to having Joseph but it really always felt like a God-prompting leading but I have all kinds of fears. The fears of not making income, not being able to teach right, Joseph not liking my teaching style (not able to learn), and Joseph not getting enough socialization. These and a million other reasons are basically bringing me to almost tears because no one seems to understand the promptings in my heart despite all these newly surfacing fears.

So tonight I am thankful he is still my little boy who is nowhere near old enough yet to need us to decide on schooling needs!

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