Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It is quiet in my house.

The tv is not even on right now. No baby is crying and no husband is miserable and bored.

I have the computer to myself and a big glass of iced water beside me and the sun is shining right outside my front door, praise God!


I never thought I would relish is quiet again, but I am!

Our routine had been off for awhile and all three of us were miserable. Add to that the fact that the spring weather (as welcomed as it is) gave both hubby and I some crazy sinus headaches and you can see how we are singing praises for good moments.

Yesterday was the craziest day ever and I am realizing that I cannot do what my husband does well and he cannot do what I do well. I may not be making sense, but the things he does for our family really matter alot and I can get them done but not without great effort. He can care for the baby for awhile but it completely wears him out, but he does have a huge boot on his foot and a broken bone so I need to give him some slack.

Having him home has been wild for all of us. We no longer are carefree and when we are sleep deprived from a baby who was wanting to eat every 2-3 hours for 2 nights we don't have the same zeal for kindness to one another at each fork in the road. We giggle about it and are not fighting about it, but I don't want to start!

Joseph is doing well, thank God for a great night last night. He slept for about 6 hours before waking to eat at 2:30 am! I fed him, changed him, and was able to rock him to sleep pretty quickly (around 4am) and he slept until 7 am! My husband took over then and let me sleep for another 2 hours. So now that Joseph is down for a good nap, my husband is taking his nap! I hope they both wake up cheerful.

The other night we rented movies and watched them for a few days. I feel like my chores have doubled. I missed mass on Sunday because I was just so tired and I need to make Mass a priority again. I will get there. I keep telling myself that we can go to daily mass soon, but I tend to wake up when Joseph wakes up in the mornings and those times are not lining up, so I have to make a better effort starting today!

Joseph is 11 weeks old today and the fact that he is getting older leaves me with mixed emotions! I love all of his new tricks and development, but I wish I could get that 7 lb 15 oz baby back and smother him with kisses and not rush that newborn stage.

Joseph is loving watching his hands and recently reached for a toy rattle. He can sit in his bumbo for awhile, but I am really not wanting him to sit us too well just yet. He coos all the time and 'talks' to us in conversation style in which I talk and then he talks back! He is starting to enjoy his pacifier for a few minutes before going to sleep.

He has his 2 month check up last thursday and did remarkably well!

2 month stats:
Height: 23 3/4 in. (90th percentile)
Weight: 12 lbs 1 oz (50th percentile)

He is growing like a weed and there is nothing I can do to stop him!!


  1. I'm with you in the allergy pain and sleepless nights (but no Hubby with a cast!) Hang in there! Jesus really appreciates all your hard work.

  2. Hope you guys get a break from the sleepless night soon! A little sleep can go a long way :).
    Love the 2 month pics :).

  3. Callmemama - thanks! I am getting so excited for you to meet your little one! What part of LA are you from? I would love to meet ya one day if you are ever near us, we are in SWLA:)

  4. I wish I didn't admit that I'm glad she is out of the nb stage.....I didnt wish it away but I'm sure glad it's over!! Pray for h she she gas sew as a mom!!! Haha!!!

    He is sooo cute!!!!

  5. It gets easier as they get older and are able to sleep for longer periods. We don't have a nap or sleeping schedule down either, and Kate will be five months next week. But she sleeps longer, and that helps.

  6. This next stage is definitely easier, which I know is a welcomed change! But it is a little sad, isn't it, that those sweet newborn days are so tough and we can't enjoy them a bit more. They are gone so fast! But I'm making it a point, as I know you are, to enjoy each and every new stage, even if it means they have to grow up!
