Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I have so much stress building up right now and I wish I had a more laid bsck personality.

It took me so long to fall asleep last night that I got a migraine and Joseph woke up to eat again.

I was worried about my family and begging God just to help us because my husband was hurting terribly, Joseph still seems to be bothered by his ears, and I was worn out and had a spirit of feeling defeated.

Well, it turned out that my husband has a broken bone in his foot and will be out of work for three weeks. Thankfully, financially we should be fine, but my husband does not know how to rest and be still. In addition to that, I am very dependent on his help when he gets home and for a week, I tried my best not to ask for help, but even with his boot on he is still helping and that stresses me put more.

Despite the fact that the circumstances stink for us to have all of this upcoming family time, I am happy that he will be able to see the joyful moments I experience with Joseph daily. Already, he is able to see more of Joseph's personality!

As if that is not enough, some family came by this evening and before they even came, I begged God to help me be kind. I barely managed that and had t grit my teeth. It really breaks my heart the way they behave and takes everything I have to keep my opinion to myself when it is not asked for by them.

High point of the day was when I was running around in the grocery store (after being at home feeding Joseph and getting a call from my husband saying he was barely able to drive from his appointment to work to give his boss the news and realizing I need to go get him and leave his truck at his job, loading up the baby, and driving to town to get him) I run into my friend and Joseph's godmother and got my reminder that all is okay and that ths is blessing for more family time. So I got therapy in K.roger while my two boys were snuggled up in the car outside.

God really does send rainbows after the rain!


  1. Sorry for the stress, I hope your husband recovers quickly. It will be nice to have that family time though!

  2. Praying for even more rainbows to come your way and for your husband to know a bit of stillness during his time off. I hope it ends up becoming a precious, unrepeatable time together.

  3. Oh my. I sure wish that I lived closer and could come and lend you a hand during this time. I know how very much I depend on my husband when he is home and how hard it would be if he were unable to help. I hope everyone will be feeling better very soon. This spring-like weather is hopefully making you all anticipate being well again.

    I love reading about how Joseph is smiling, laughing, and cooing, and discovering his hands! Such sweet, sweet stages and I know he is a joy every single day. Thinking of you!

  4. Praying for you to handle the stress...

    Be kind to yourself also!

  5. I understand the stress. My husband hurt his back and literally could not move (flat on the living room floor). My temptation was to be angry (in fact, I was for the first couple of days). We can't afford for him to miss work and all the therapy is adding up like crazy. I will pray for your husband and family so that you grow closer together during this time!
