Monday, January 31, 2011

Birthday Wishes

I already got my birthday cake and song!

My dear husband brought home a mini cheesecake! It was my only request and this request was made back in September when I was first diagnosed with GD and seriously watched everything I ate. The cheesecake was awesome and we were able to enjoy it in the 10 minute catnap that Joseph just took! At least he gave us 10 whole minutes ;)

Last year, I wished for a baby! Since I am on a streak, I told my husband that this year I wish for sleep!!!!

Joseph woke up every 45 minutes last night. I am not kidding. I love this kid, adore him but I also enjoy resting for a bit. He is going through a growth spurt or something and will not sleep away from us. I am worn smooth out and I know that these are the days I begged God for so I try to keep my chin up and realize that God is rooting out every bit of selfishness that is rearing its ugly head in my life right now.

On a more serious note, I am thrilled to be celebrating this birthday being a mom to a healthy, beautiful baby boy. It makes me realize the joy my Mom finds in me. It is humbling to know that no matter how old I become or what I do, my Mom adores me just as I adore my little boy.

My birthday wish is that everyone in this blogging community finds that their dreams come true very soon. I spend lots of time rocking Joseph and the other day I was telling him of our very special intentions for all of you. I felt so proud to tell him about all of you and the dreams and prayers of your hearts. Together we prayed for you all.

Enjoy your day tomorrow - I know that come gloomy weather or sunshine, restless or rested, my heart will be glowing with the contentment of knowing that God is working in me and finding joy in me as I try to surrender my life to him and all of my desires.

33 was a great year for me, I am praying that the year ahead will be filled with just as much joy!

God, be at my side and lead me in fulfilling your will! Amen.


  1. Happy birthday! And I hope Joseph gives his mommy the best present and sleeps in longer intervals tonight :)

    And I didn't realize we were born just a few weeks apart. 33 was an amazing year for me too!

  2. Happy birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day and even better year to come!

    God bless!

  3. Happy Birthday~ Cheesecake is my fav!!

  4. Happy Birthday! He is so gorgeous, I love this picture! I recently posted on sleep. You might check it out and see if anything in it is helpful to you.

  5. Happy and blessed birthday to you,

    While you are up with baby Joseph at night, would you say a Memorarae for my dear husband to be open to God's will in our life and consider a special needs adoption?

    Thanks so much! I will pray for your perseverance!

  6. Happy belated birthday! I've been having trouble keeping up with blogs while on maternity leave, but now that I'm back to work . . . . You've had a rough time with your little boy. You are most definitely in my thoughts. The sleep issues are something else. I sincerely hope he surprises you soon and falls into a schedule where he's sleeping for at least a few hours straight each night. It's not ideal for sleep, but it's much better than the multiple wakings each night.

  7. Happy Belated Birthday!!

  8. Happy Birthday! Baby Tess just got herself into that same fun pattern again last night. I'm sending you a hug in my wet hair and bathrobe at 3:45 PM!
