Thursday, January 6, 2011

What I wish I knew . . .

I wish someone would have been able to explain to me how desperately helpless I would feel when my baby is crying and I have done everything possible to relieve his suffering and still come up short. He has reflux and while I never would have imagined it would be that difficult to overcome, feedings are so hard for him and for me.

Today seems to be a bit better. I am pumping and putting milk in bottles, around 2 oz each and the doctor told me to add 1 tsp of rice cereal to each oz of breast milk we give him to help make the milk heavier to aid gravity. I really disliked having to add cereal to the bottles at this young age for him. I struggle with it each time I prepare his meals. Then I have no idea what to eat anymore, I keep thinking that I had big issues with gas and reflux during my pregnancy and it only is natural that he will have to face these issues, but I just don't seem to have the answers I need to make his life better yet.

The doctor also told us to elevate his bed or bassinet to an incline of thirty degrees at the head, but that did not work for the bassinet. So we got the nap nanny and I have been able to get him to sleep in it at night for 2-3 hours at a time (on a good moment) if he is SWADDLED ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY! Even with the addition of the meds, keeping him upright at all feedings, holding him upright for 1/2 hour after each feeding, changing his diaper right before each feeding, and waiting at least 1/2 hour after each feeding to make another diaper change as needed the reflux is still a present although there is some improvement.

Today when I called to tell the nurse that last night he soiled his daiper 3 times very badly in 30 minutes which was proceeded with cries that would break anyones heart and those cries lasted too long - our poor baby boy! She suggested we burp him at every 1/2 oz. Iwas doing it at every oz. I was crying with him crying in my arms. I could not take away his pain, all I could do was be there and hold him close through it all until it passed. My husband was equally miserable not being able to relieve his discomfort. I can't see us finding the light at the end of the tunnel right now, but I know the light is there and we will find our way to it!

We will survive this stage. . . we will!!!!!

During the night, I am offering up so much for the families that are desiring to grow!

The doctor says he will outgrow the reflux in about 6-7 mo. I am both encouraged and discouraged at this.

Right now he is resting peacefully in my other arm, oh - how I love this boy! He is my most precios gift! The lessons I am learning about God's love for us is priceless.


  1. Oh, I am sooooo sorry about this anguish, and I know it is anguish!! I know this sounds easy for me to say, but hold on to the fact that this too shall pass! Sooner than you think!

  2. Thanks, Leila! Thankfully, we have some really great hours of the day :)

  3. Have you tried a cradle swing? Both kids had a couple of weeks where they basically lived in the swing. :) You can get them cheaply on Ebay or Craigslist, or borrow from a friend. Then, you can keep baby propped up, and have a break from swinging him yourself! Any luck with Mylicon? Our pediatrician said to give a few drops before each meal when our son was having gas.

    It's soooooo hard to listen to your baby cry and have such pain. Prayers!!!

  4. Did they mention putting him on an anti-reflux medication at some point? Clara went on one at two months or so and it helped tremendously. Althoigh the first kind wasn't enough, so the doctor changed it to a kind that is a bit stronger and then that worked. It was wonderful. We weaned her off of it around 7 or 8 months I think and she's been fine ever since. Although we continued the rice cereal in her bottle right until she switched to milk at a year.

    And I know what you mean about the crying. I think Luke has reflux too and at times he just has these blood curdling screams. It's horrible! But even if he's feeling lousy and it seems like you can't comfort him, he still wants to be nowhere else but with you. You're doing the best you can and he LOVES you! I'm praying that it gets better soon!

  5. Hang in can outlast this! I will pray for you.

  6. I'm so sorry it's so hard! I'm praying that it gets better soon!

  7. So sorry that he isn't feeling well due to the reflux and it's so hard on you. Praying for you!

  8. I understand the reflux issues, Charlie had it much worse than AJ does and it breaks the heart, doesn't it?! You want to remove any uncomfortableness for them immediately. I am sorry you are going through this. Has your doctor suggested medicine yet? We do the things you mentioned plus Zantac with AJ, we did prevacid with Charlie and the meds made excellent difference. It takes time to work though. Charlie had to be on meds until 2 years old, but AJ will likely be short term.
