Thursday, January 6, 2011

Let me just say . . .

I love being Joseph's mommy. Even when he is in distress, he quieted down to my voice today. Praise God!


  1. I second Barbie - you ARE the thing he needs!! God Bless!

  2. Oh my gosh!! A very belated congratulations!!! He is precious. The first month or so is the hardest. It's a whole new world for him to get used to, but your voice and scent are a constant for him. Glad he's settling down, if even for a bit. (And even though D. is nearly 16 months old, I was nearly in tears last night when he was screaming, crying due to molars coming through and I knew there was nothing more I could do. His pain was mine.) But we wouldn't trade it for anything, would we?? Such a beautiful miracle. I am so so happy for you.

  3. Thanks for your comment, it meant the world to me. Logically I know that someday if/when I'm a mom, I will regret nothing. But logically thinking it and feeling it in my heart are two different things...and lately I had not been feeling it in my heart. But to have someone who walked these same steps, and came out okay on the other side, tell me that it's worth it--well, that's what makes me feel it in my heart. Please, please please throughout all this, please keep telling me that. Please keep telling me that when you look at Joseph you'd do it all again a thousand times. I will need to hear that in the months ahead.

    And thanks again. You do my heart so much good.
