Wednesday, June 23, 2010

7 Quick Takes

Everyone seems to be doing these lately and since I have so many random thoughts going through my head, I thought I would give a try, so here goes:

1. I hurt my shoulder somehow yesterday. I could not sleep comfortably. It seems to be getting better, but I have been storming heaven for help with this. I do not want anything else to be wrong with me!! I should have ice on it right now, I will have to get to that soon!
2. I had to do a blood draw on Tuesday, but it was only after I took my night dose of the compounded progesterone that I remembered I was supposed to skip it to get a true reading of my progesterone level. I was too nervous from thinking my progesterone levels were plummenting, I did the draw anyway and was going to tell the nurse that I accidently took the pill the night before thinking that it would not really make that huge of a difference. Humility - enter here!!! The nurse made the call to me today to tell me that my progesterone levels looked so good I could stop the oral progesterone meds. Then I tell her my mistake and it was like I could here "SHAME ON YOU!!!" The level with the meds still in my system was 32.9! Now I can't even feel relieved because I don't know how long the meds stay in my system. It was about 12 hours between the draw and the last dose, so if there are any great ideas that might be able to bring me peace, please share!
3. I just told my husband that my blood pressure must be so much better these days because I am working in such a more pleasant work environment. My character has been tested in fire, but I am still here, so I think all is well. I only have four more working days there. They asked me to come back and train my replacement and I clearly told them I could not do that. The reason I can't do that is because my insurance runs out on June 30, 2010. I need to qualify for LAMOMS and we can just barely make the financial cut-off with just my husband's income at only 40 hours a week. It I keep bringing in any type of income we will be over the limit. It is like a catch 22. We need money and I am capable of working right now and willing to help, but the need to qualify for maternity care is paramount right now. Please pray that we can qualify for that. The only back up plan I have to go to the awesome doctor who offered to provide free medical care for me and the baby, but that will not include hospital costs, etc. So anyway, I have put together a training binder to help the new person out. All the people in the office will be NEW and no one else really knows how the system works. I hav been able to help train the new Assistant Director, but I could only do what I could. There is so much to learn and it will take awhile!
4. I have been such a lazy bum. I barely return calls or texts because I am just so wiped out all the time. I go to bed early every night! I don't get naps since I leave around 7 am and don't get home until 5:30 pm daily. I know that will change soon, so we will see what will happen then :)
5. This will make most of you laugh! I was telling someone today that we where we live they will NOT deliver mail to our home, like in a REAL mailbox. They make us have post office box and every year we have to verify that we still live at our residence because since the post office box is mandatory, it is FREE! It is one of my biggest pet peeves about where I live!
6. Today was a cooler day outside, only 88 degrees. It have been around 98 degrees but it felt like 105! The humidity will wear one out quicky!
7. My husband and I will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary! We have a free night at any hotel of our choice, so we are thinking of taking a short trip to celebrate our anniversary the weekend after which happens to fall on the fourth of july weekend! As soon as my husband mentioned this possible trip, I started to remember celebrating the 4th of July in Omaha in 2008!!! Omaha really knows how to celebrate our Independence Day! It was two days after my surgery (the lap with Hilgers), so I was working of moving around pretty well and we went and grabbed some good food and then watched all of the fireworks!! It was the most fireworks I had ever seen in one night, it was just fabulous!!! So not all memories of Omaha were painful ones ;)


  1. Sorry about the progesterone mistake. I can understand your feelings on being eligible for the LAMOMS being more important than getting the new people trained since you are no longer employed there as of next week. They made the decision, and they have to deal with the consequences. That's so weird about post office. Call me when you are feeling up to it.

  2. So now that TCIE is on vacation, you don't do spaces between the paragraphs :) You know, we'll tell on you, right? :)

    My Inlaws live in the country (but they do have a mailbox). They are the only one on their "dirt road" and there address is something like 899 Smith street. WTH? How does the ONLY house on that street get the 899? Apparently it is .899 miles from the main road. Whatever. Different world in the country.

    Happy anniversary! This is going to be a special one!

  3. Ann - you tattle tale!!!!

    You did make me laugh out loud!
