Sunday, July 31, 2011

Small & Sunlight

Whew, I am so glad Joseph and I made it to mass! Jessy took the early shift of caring for Joseph at 7:00 am (yes, I fed him at 5am and put back to sleep) and let me sleep to 9 am! Heavenly, I really needed it and it seems I have a summer cold which is likely one of the reasons I was even more exhausted than usual. Well, anyway, Jessy stayed home to sleep while I took lovebug to mass and grocery shopping.

Of course when you are alone with a babe at mass, you are lucky to catch the words of the gospel and a few words of wisdom from the homily. Well, the devotion of God's great love for me continues to amaze me. The line from the homily was "Nothing you have is too small for God." That really knocked my socks off because my three second prayer as I slid into the pew was "God, I know our house is small, but you are making the room for the boys! Somehow, you are making a way, somehow you are honoring our 'yes'".

The next thing that ministered to my spirit was the first line of a song which said "Those who have lived in the darkness are thankful for the sunlight."

Our family is growing. At least for awhile, but we hope that all will work out for the changes to be permanent. We have two boy cousins that we love very much who have had an incredibly difficult so far in life and are gonna try to provide a loving, secure and godly home for them.

God would not let our hearts rest until He had us fully open to His will.

God will lead us. We shall follow.

We already love them and they love us, that is a good starting place, I think!


  1. Praying for you, C! And I love the pics on your last post! L is saying "dadada" now too.. our boys are so similar! Wish we were closer.. they'd be great friends!

  2. Praying for you as you continue to follow the Lord's leading!

    (Love that line about the darkness and the sunlight. Perfect.)
