Friday, July 15, 2011

Ready, Set, Go & Grow!!!

What a day to celebrate!

Joseph turned 7 months old today.

I have to say that the time is passing way too fast! I am so grateful to be able to spend so much time loving this little guy. Just another reminder that when the storms come, God sends gorgeous rainbows! Last year at this time, I was begging God to keep this little one growing in my womb and desperately trying to pleasantly accept my newfound unemployment. I still struggle with not contributing financially to our household but I am so grateful that my husband works so hard to allow me to stay home with Joseph. This year I am having fun shopping for pj's that will actually fit this growing boy. He is so tall, I had to get two 18 month footed pj's today for him! They are only big in his belly area!

The highlights of today was he crawled from one end of the living room to me this evening after his bath. I can't deny it any longer, we have a crawler on our hands. I am not ready for this. Today after we got back from town I put him on the living room floor and washed some dishes and Daisy got up on the couch and watched him, like she was his babysitter. It was quite comical, after I got on the floor with him, she left. I guess she thought her job was done.

Unfortunately, we are trying to clear up a rash that formed around his mouth from his drooling, etc. It is not pretty or fun. It must bother him because he gets very upset when I wipe it after each meal. He still loves his bath time and he got a new rubber ducky today from a friend's thrift store. We are thinking of a rubber ducky themed 1st birthday because rubber duckies are HIS obsession!!!

I cannot believe seven months have passed so quickly, we love you little guy!


  1. I can't believe he's crawling already!

  2. Hello! I wanted to come by and introduce myself. I hope you don't mind if I follow along. TCIE recommended your blog, as I recently suffered an ectopic pregnancy.

    Your family is beautiful...happy 7 months to your son!!

  3. John Paul crawled at 7 months. Leo is nowhere close! Joseph is adorable. Id recommend Lansinoh in the purple tube for his rash. Works as a barrier and it's healing.

    Congratulations on your beautiful boy!

  4. Good for Joseph on crawling! What a big boy!
