Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dear Joseph

Dear Joseph,

Tonight as I was putting you to sleep, you rubbed my face as you always do and my heart just melted. We snuggled close as I rocked you and whispered our prayers with you. It has been a busy day but as always my time spent with you in the quiet moments of the evening make my heart flutter.

I hope that when you are grown and possibly raising babies of your own you will have the same feeling of fulfillment, joy, and wonder as you help your child drift off to a peaceful sleep. Each night we ask God to give you a peaceful and holy rest. Every single night we thank him for the gift that is you and that you are a part of our family. We have also begun to ask God to bless you with a sister or brother one day, as He sees fit. Then we pray for all of our family, friends, and those little ones growing in wombs and for all those praying to have a baby growing in a womb that will one day be a part of their own family. Your Daddy often laughs at your Mommy because our prayers go on for awhile, but we try hard to not leave anyone out!

Joseph, you are a light to me and your Daddy. Speaking of light, I still love when you are drawn to the light! I often talk with you about how it must remind you of the great light of the one who knit you in my womb. Even though you were made in secret, in darkness, the hands that knit you were filled with light! I hope to always teach you to follow the light of God, to always trust in His love for you, and to know that He created you in love, with purpose, and with pleasure. Just as you bring delight to my heart, God finds delight in you, too!

I love you, son. Sometimes those words seem so small compared to depth of emotion they represent but each moment that I spend with you that love grows and I pray that I can teach you to love purely and in kindness so that your very life reflects that of your creator!

Sweet dreams, my lovebug, sweet dreams!


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