Monday, July 6, 2009


Today was a sad day for me. I could not escape it. Someone who knows that pain of M/C sat right in front of my desk today and talked nonstop about her young unmarried daughter who had a baby girl the week after we lost our baby. I could almost handle it, until I found out that she knew that how bad it was for me and my husband. I had mentioned how grateful I was that Fr. Whitney (the priest who did our pre marriage counseling with us and officiated our wedding) came by to visit me and administer the annointing of the sick the day after my surgery and she told me that he told her he went to see me. She is his housekeeper. It was fine that she knew. No secret there, it is what Fr. Whitney told her that brought me so much pain. She said that Fr. Whitney told her how bad off I was at the time, but she told me that Fr. Whitney told her that they really need to pray for J because he was "really torn up about what happened." I don't mind them talking about me, but I did want them to talk about my husband and his wounded emotions. I thought I was the only one to really see his suffering heart. Why does life have to been this damn hard?
On the day of our anniversary, I was so determined to celebrate our love for one another and how lucky we are to have one another. Yet, when I checked my mail that afternoon, I got all of the medical records I requested from my recent hospitalization. Well the description of my last ultrasound on my baby's feast day, I was slapped in the face. I read that they could see the fetal pole and CARDIAC ACTIVITY! I can't get that out of my mind. They calculated the baby to be 6w2d old based on the crown to rump measurements. This is the only real description I have of my baby. I really thought that the baby, Nicky, really had already been surrendered to God before my surgery and I am haunted by what I imagine. I know that there is no way Nicky could grow and develop in the position they were in, but I am being haunted nonetheless. The only consolation that I had that day was being fully immersed in knowing that God was sending hope my way. As you all know, dragonflies were very present to me at the beginning of my miracle pregnancy. They remained present to me throughout the glorious time that I was enjoying my miracle pregnancy. On the day of my anniversary, the quad at the retreat center was SWARMED with DRAGONFLIES!!!!! The first thought was that God was telling us to not give up! Telling us not to lose HOPE! Then later that night, I realized that maybe this was a gift from God to remind us that our little Nicky is well and enjoying their Heaven. Like St. Therese said she will spend her heaven doing good on earth. I believe that Nicky and Sam will do the same.

A little update on my aunt. Yes, she is only 39 and had a heart attack. She lost her husband when her two boys were only 1 and 2 years old. She just remarried in May 09 to a man we are hoping to learn to appreciate. Years ago when she was battling breast cancer, she asked J and I to committ to taking care of her two boys if anything would ever happen to her. She is only 8 years older than me and has had a hard life, but her boys have had it harder. We love them very much but would love it so much more for her to be the mother they deserve and for them to have their mom for many more years. That doesn't seem likely at this point. Her body is going down so fast and they are not sure exactly what is going on with her heart. She is possibly getting out of the hospital tomorrow, all we can do is pray at this point.

I am sorry that this blog is filled with so much grief.


  1. I saw a dragonfly today and it made me think of you...I said a prayer. THe cross you are carrying seems so heavy right now and just when you think it's getting lighter...boom..something comes in to remind you of what happened. I wish there was a way to get away from that for you. I don't know. I guess strength from God is what gets us through life.

    I'd feel sad too with that coworker of yours...especially since she knows what you just went through. My goodness...can't people use compassion and quit being so flippin ignorant? She's the reason these young unmarried girls are keeping thier babies and us IF couples who are open to adoption will not get a baby. Now days...young motherhood is the "it" thing to do and it's okay. It's become a celebration. hmmmm....You're in my prayers. Hugs.

  2. I just cannot imagine what you are going through right now. I am so, so very sorry that any of it happened.

    It is so evident that you miss your little one so much and are grieving this loss very deeply right now.

    May the Lord carry you along and make straight a path for you. I am also so very sorry to hear about your aunt. What an honor she has asked you to be the mother of her children should she pass.

    I hope and pray that the Lord has mercy on her and heals her.

  3. I am so sorry that today was hard for you. I wish just about every day that people could be more sensitive (or at least less ignorant).

    Thank you for the very sweet and encouraging comment on my blog. I appreciate you so much!

    Praying for you.

  4. I am so sorry about your coworker's behavior. I pray that God will continue to comfort and heal your aching heart, and that He might protect you from spiritual and emotional attacks for a while.

    I am so glad that you were encouraged by the dragonflies on your anniversary! Perhaps Nicky sent them to you to lift your heart :)

  5. I'm so sorry. I dont' know why life has to be so hard. you are in my prayers.

  6. I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with so much sorrow and suffering right now. I'll keep you and your aunt in my prayers.

  7. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. To read an actual description of your living baby and not have that baby now is devastating. And I know the situation with that woman discussing her daughter's baby is absolutely no help. You're in my prayers.

  8. Oh, you poor thing!! And poor J, too :( Please don't apologize for your post being full of grief, it's us who are sorry that your post is so full of grief. I wish there was something I could do. I do understand your sadness, especially in regards to the prayer request for J and the u/s... you certainly had a rough day.

    I'll be praying for you.

  9. My oh my, the crosses Christhas given you, keep strong and remain hopeful. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt, I hope everything will be okay.

    What a beautiful description of your baby enjoying Heaven.

  10. I'm so sorry that you're going through all of this. Your coworker sounds amazingly insensitive. I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers!

  11. I'm so sorry for all that you're going through. I can't begin to imagine having to deal with the news you received about Nicky. Paul and I have been praying for you and J each night and will continue to.

    I'm also sorry to hear about your aunt and your nephews. We'll keep them in our prayers as well. I'm glad the boys have you and J.

    I'd forgotten your special relationship with the dragonflies. I'm so glad that you saw them on your anniversary.

  12. I'm so sorry for all that you're going through. Just know that you have my prayers.
    Cling to God's grace, sufficient for each moment.
