Friday, July 17, 2009

It's Friday!!

I am so glad today is finally friday. This week has actually been a little better because I am not staying as tired as I usually am. I have been faithfully taking my Re.liv shakes in the am and pm and I see some subtle results. For example, I am no longer punching the snooze 3 times. Yesterday I came home and cleaned my house and did four loads of laundry so that I would not have to worry about my house this weekend. In fact this weekend I am going to be able to get my hair cut. It has been way too long and almost 6 months since my last cut. Then I am going to meet my best friend for lunch where we usually end up talking for a couple hours. I am always so revived after having some time with my friends.
Well, I am off to get ready for work. Hope you all have a blessed weekend.
Oh, by the way, since I was having such a hard time praying I decided just to go sit in the chapel yesterday for lunch and it helped tremendously just to sit there in the presence of Jesus. I recognized that I can relate better to the broken, suffering Jesus on the cross than I can relate to God right now. This was comforting to be reminded that even Jesus wanted to avoid the cup of suffering, but embraced it because of great love for us and His father. Not that different at all. I even had a little chat with my spiritual director that let me name some of the feelings I had been having and this was truly a gift at this point.


  1. Your post made me see how powerful the Trinity is. Even though you feel you aren't relating to the Father now, you do feel closeness with the Son. I guess that's why Jesus was sent to us and suffered -- so we can still have that spiritual relationship.

    Have a great weekend, esp. the time with your best friend!

  2. Glad to hear you got some good prayer time in. I've been meaning to track down some adoration time, but haven't gotten my act together yet. It just seems easier to be near God, sometimes, and just be, than to have to do anything.

  3. I'm glad that you found a good way to get prayer time. Have a great weekend.
