Friday, July 3, 2009

Empty House to Full House!

We had a full house tonight and I got a quick taste of how hard it is to juggle meeting the needs of 8 month old, a 11 year old, 1 busy-needy kitten, and one set in her ways cat! I thought it would all be too much, but I found enough energy to do all that needed to be done, thanks to a very helpful husband. We had planned to have M (the 11 year old who has been with us alot of the last 10 years when my aunt would get sick or need respite) for the night because his 39 year old mom has a heart attack on Monday and is stil in the hospital. Then my SiL called to see if we could babysit our godchild for the night. We missed him and while I thought it would be too much to handle, I said yes. Well the night turned out to be wonderful (so far, Little G is still sleeping). We even had the inlaws come by bc they found out we had their youngest grandchild here and they missed him too. I have never seen them enjoy him so much. They were on the floor playing with him, they don't even do this with him at their own home. It was a privelege to see. Both kiddos had a great time playing with Baylie which gave Daisy a break! Now, Baylie is sleeping, G is sleeping, and M is going to bed right now. What a night!
In cycle news, I am on cd 9 with the first two days being VL and there is no flow now. This is amazing to me. I was really scared that because of my history with irregular bleeding, I would not stop bleeding once I started after the emergency surgery.
We took M to see UP at noon today and I really learned alot about letting go . . . about not getting attached to only one way, and learning not to substitute personal possestions for relationships with people!
Well, here are a few pics from this evening. Enjoy! Oh, and excuse my dirty house, I cleaned before, but you could not tell that by these pics! He loved the spatula and bowl almost more than the toys :)


  1. It sounds like you had a busy but fun night. I'm glad to hear that as of now the irregular bleeding doesn't seem to have returned.

  2. I'm glad you had fun with the kiddos, that baby is adorable btw.

  3. That is such great news that your cycle seems to be getting back to regular and you are healing. Praise God! I know it took a little longer than you wanted but that's healing...there is no time limits on that. It happens when it happens.

    That is great that you were able to take in the children and give them a safe and fun place to be. How is the 11yr olds mom doing? 39 and a heart attack? Gosh...I'm almost 39 (a few more weeks). Okay...I'm not going to worry about that but she is young.

    I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend! God Bless!!!

  4. Cute pics! What a blessing to have a house full! If you want to see a truly messy house, come see mine... yours looks great from what I can see.
