Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dear Joseph,

Hi my love bug,
I just want to remind you how much I love you! You are the best gift God has blessed me and your Daddy with! You bring us more joy than we even imagined when we prayed to God for you! Last night we all played together for hours with your new barn and the old animals and John Deere tractors from your birthday cake! You loved all of it and last night when you were not tired we read storybooks together and I was able to hear you say 'elephant' for the first few hundred times! So fun!!! You are such a gift to us, I hope we can always find joy in the simple things, laugh at the silly things, and content to just be with each other. I want you to always know that in life your true riches are the things that you can't buy. I want you to know that your loved ones should always come first and that making them feel like the gift they are to you as the best gift you will ever give to others!
Right now you are completely fascinated by anything curious George.
During our nightly prayers these last weeks, we prayed a novena to your patron saint, St Joseph, asking for the special intentions of preserving your faith and soul, the safety of your family, and for the blessing of a special extra intention!
I live you, beyond all-ways!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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