Saturday, April 30, 2011

50 First Things: Easter Friday/Saturday!!!


The JOKE IS ON US!!!!!!!!!!!

Our dear, sweet, joyful, happy, fun baby wanted to be filled with so much fun that he could not miss out on any excitement and wanted to stay up nearly all day friday (no naps in his bed) and last night! He would wake up about 45 minutes after we would put him to sleep in his bed. He was so sleepy, but would just wake up crying with his poor little eyes closed. It was hurtful for all of us. He has not had a fever and overall is still very happy, cheerful, and lovable so I don't think he is sick but I am still going to do a well baby visit this week for his 4 mo. check up. I hope I haven't been neglectful on anything.

What in the world happened to our little boy who would at least sleep in 2-3 hour intervals at night and sometimes even sleep for one seven hour stretch a night. Gone are those blissful nights.

Dear Sleep,

We MIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSS you! We have almost forgotten what you are like. Please make a guest appearance soon!


C, J, & J


  1. Sounds like he might be starting to teethe. Unfortunately it can go on for a while... Maggs had teething symptoms for 4 months before she got her first tooth. We got her an amber necklace and kept it on her 24/7 except for baths and the only times she woke up crying after that was when we'd forget to put it back on her.

  2. I just skimmed your previous post and had another thought... I've heard that anytime a child is working on a major developmental task their sleep is often disturbed. We're in the same boat as Maggs just cut her 5 tooth, is on the verge of walking and going through a language explosion. Joseph will sleep through the night again, I promise. And then he will go through another sleepless phase! ;o)

  3. I haven't read far enough yet to see if this has improved, but we are missing sleep at our house, too! It seems that ever since L's 6-month checkup and shots she just has been so messed up. She lost her appetite for a whole week and STILL isn't sleeping through the night anymore. She wakes up 2 or 3 times and needs to be rocked. We are hoping this phase will end soon, for her daddy and I are very tired! :)
