Sunday, May 1, 2011

50 First Things: Divine Mercy Sunday/2nd Sunday of Easter!

Just when I think I would not have anything to report on today, Joseph decides to show off, again!

Seriously, Joseph you can slow down!

I placed him in the middle of our king size bed and I ran to the bathroom which is right in the master bedroom and he rolled from his back to his tummy. I quickly ran back to the doorway to watch him and he pushed himself back over on to his back. He did it like it was nothing. I really thought we had a while before this would start happening, but I was wrong. The truth is he could wait for another week or longer to do it again which I don't mind.

I really only did tummy time with him after he reached 4 months. So this is all taking me by suprise.

We made a trip to tar.get today to get a video camera, but did not purchase one because we want to price it some more. He did well in tar.get which is a total treat!

He is still not sleeping well. Although we got one 2 hr. stretch last night.


  1. Love to keep up with Joseph!

    Hang in there on the sleep my dear, it will come, I promise!!

