Thursday, April 28, 2011

50 First Things: Easter Thursday

Today was a double doozy! When I began this little series to help me to just stop and enjoy the many fun milestones, I never imagined they would be happening so fast. It is like someone whispered in his ears that his momma was grasping for straws yesterday so he pulled a double doozy on me today!

First off this morning, he has been able to roll to his side for awhile now, but he intentional rolled from his back to his belly! Not once in a matter of a few minutes, but twice! He was grinning from ear to ear too! I sort of thought this was a fluke because he was in the middle of our bed when he did it. Well, it was definitely wasn't a fluke because he did it about 20 times this afternoon on the quilt on the floor. He was saying "See what a big boy I am, Momma!!" It was fun because this time my husband was here with us to celebrate.

Shortly after that, he sat up on his on using his hands for support for a few minutes at a time. Who is this kid?? I could not understand why it all had to happen so fast! I told him he does not have to be so determined to get so big so quickly, but I am not sure he heard me over his chattering.

I love you so much Joseph! You make my heart so full! I needed good feelings today! We had a rough day as a family and I am just at a loss of what to do or how to act in regard to my family. I am taking care of a growing teenage boy as well as Joseph this week and his mom just checked herself into a hospital and never told him. These are the same boys that we were ready to take in when they were around 7 and 8 years old. Now they are severly scarred from their experiences. I am told that they are on the verge of being sent into foster care because their mother is not capable to care for them anymore and the other side of the family is not who I would choose to care for them but it is not my choice. All I can do is pray and ask God to intervene and it he wills for us to take care of one of the children, he will make a way, but I am not sure how this would all fall into place and to be honest, my heart has been broken many times over this and I did not know that I would be brought back into this drama by just letting him come over for one night and then she expects us to pick up the pieces for her. Please pray for us.

As if the family drama is not enough, for some reason my husband is strongly being led to move our family and he shared this with a few people and they found us a really good possibility that we will be looking into on Saturday. The land is nice, the price feels high but not for the overall purchase, and it is much better suited for our family and closer to our family and friends. I am overwhelmed with this because I am the penny pincher and just thinking about it makes me anxious! Our current place would be paid off in the next 8 years as opposed to getting into a new 20 or 30 year loan.

So much is going on, so as you can see this day was filled with mixed emotions. This is all in additon to attening a funeral for a friend today.

Rest in Peace, Luke.

St. Gianna, we celebrate your life and love and faith today! Please, pray for us!

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