Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Highs & Lows

It has been a roller coaster ride these days with my emotions. It is cd3 and I have moments of peace and happiness and then at 2 am there of moments not so grace-filled. Today my husband reminded me of my 2 am grumpiness and we just laughed about it! Gotta love him. It also helps that when Joseph woke up for the 3rd time last night at 5 am, my husband rocked him back to sleep. He has not rested too good the last 2 nights and we think it has to do with transitioning him from his n/ap nanny bed. We love that thing, but he is starting to sit up on his own and it is not safe for him anymore. We ALL miss it! Tonight when my husband got home right after I just feeding and changing the baby he took me out to dinner and Joseph was cooperative! It was good for me and for our marriage. Joseph attracted all kinds of good attention and I was so thankful he was in great spirits. He is a great baby, but just keeps a full tank of gas and it makes it uncomfortable for him. We use all kinds of solutions and they help, but sometimes we just have to massage his little belly and wait it out when we have done all we could for him. Today, he is 17 weeks old. He is such a big potato! He is trying to sit up on his own and pushes up on his arms when he is on his belly and we just started belly time this week. He is a snuggler and I love every moment - these are the moments we have waited so long to have with our sweet baby. These days he is loving his bumbo, thanks Stacey! It is a lifesaver for me!! Hope you are all doing well, Lent is flying by and I am enjoying praying for my prayer buddy. There is a lot being offered up as well during these moments of transition and sleeping pattern changes :) One more positive note, I have been working on a no-cry goal (really a less cry goal) and I am seeing some improvement. We have almost managed to avoid all crying at naps/bedtime and that is a HUGE accomplishment for us! I just learned a different method/position that makes him happier and that makes me thrilled! God's great love for me is being revealed everyday and I am so thankful! Prayers continue for you all reading this post, I know our days are all so different, but we are all workng toward the same goal of growing in love for Christ and showing the world his great love for them!


  1. Kathleen had a sleep regression around 4 months. She was sleeping fairly well (finally) when she started waking up again during the night. It was right around the time I went back to work, so it was disheartening. She started sleeping through night again about a month later.

    If he's going through a sleep regression, combine that with a transition to a new sleep location, it could well cause some sleepless nights. But it won't take long to pass (it'll just feel like it does).

    Come to think of it, I think there's a four month growth spurt, too, that could impact sleep. Well, it gets better. In the meantime, it helps to know you're not alone.

  2. Dominic did that too! He was sleeping thru the night at 3 months then at 4 months started waking up again. At 5 1/2 months he went back to sleeping through the night. Weird stuff! Those little ones...

    Your Joseph is just adorable! I'm so happy for you :)

  3. I'm soooo far behind and just seeing this post! Just wanted to say you're welcome for the Bumbo! We sure do love that thing, too. And the tray is super handy, so thank YOU! :)
