Saturday, August 22, 2009

All over the place!

Emotionally, that is.

I have not been a happy camper for at least a week. Yeah, just the perfect formula a healthy marriage and a happy husband.

I have not wanted to get up to go to work this week, at all! I have done very few things around the house, etc. I have just felt so tired, drained, and depressed. Each day, I managed to get out from under the covers and trek it in to work. I thought seriously that I was having depression symptoms. But the truth of the matter is that I am not happy at my job. I don't know what else I want to do. If we could just afford for me to stay home for awhile, I would. Yet, I wonder if the simple act of having to get dressed every morning and getting up is what is helping me not lose this fight against completely giving up. I am not happy with alot of things in my life. My extended family is in shambles and they are bickering all the time, we try to help one person out and then that bites you where the sun don't shine. My husband is in the midst of grief, but denying it and will not go to the throne of grace with me. I seriously think that the only bright thing in my life right now is those two kitties. They can bring a smile to my face all the time.
Last night, I had horrible dreams. I have been trying to pray and it is almost like the words don't come.
Yesterday, I saw a pregnant woman at about 5 months and that is about where I would be right now. I seriously cried from around 11 am until around 5 pm off and on this silent tears that just come out of nowhere. Thankfully, for the most part, I was in the office with out too many interruptions. I think what made this so hard is that this is a woman who talked with me after I was in the hospital after losing Nicky. She called to tell me how sorry she was for my loss and how she had been praying for me. I don't doubt her sincerity, I just could not face her bc I did not know that she was pregnant at the same time I was.
I feel like I am in a constant state of misery. I feel like I am just spinning my wheels refusing to face reality bc my husband only wants one way to build a family. Oh, that is not entirely true, he believes that I am too impatient iwth waiting my doctor's approaches to work and that I would be rushing into adoption prematurely. He has told me clearly that he doesn't think that he can love an adopted child the way he would love a biological child or even love the adopted child at all. I know for a fact that he will fall madly in love with any child we will have, he is just not able to recognize this in himself yet. We are getting older. My reproductive system is tired of being messed with. My left side still hurts and people tell me I am still healing, heck, it has been the longest three months of my life so far.
I don't typically have such negative posts, but today is the day for one. This post would have been a whole lot uglier if I had done it last night. At least I woke up in a bettter mood (somewhat) at 10:30 am, I first woke up at 6 am and cried myself back to sleep.
I am tired of hurting, I am tired of making countless calls to the pharmacy or trips there to get meds. I am tired of disagreeing with my husband on the two most important things in our lives. I am once again giving it to God. I really need him to come to my aid. God, if I can't have it one way, please give me the other thing I desrie.

Now, that all being said, I should be starting a new cycle soon. Like today! If it would ever start. There is no reason to worry about a pregnancy this time, so AF arrive already. I think that I am not tolerating my feelings well bc of the changes in the hormones. Easy to blame, but it is at this time that all of my dissatisfactions are magnified. But, seriously, the pain stinks and I really desire to be praying openly with my husband about the will of God in our lives. I know that I cannot rush his grief work and miraculously get him to trust God again, but I can pray for it passionately.
On a weird note, I had a dream that J and I had to babies. Literally, two babies but different ages. They were both so adorable and loving. Then I woke up with the telephone ringing. What a way to start the day.


  1. I'm sorry that you are feeling so frustrated about work, family and IF/adoption stuff. It's hard when all that stuff comes together at one time. I'll be praying for you and J. Call me if you need to vent about anything.

  2. Wow, I will be praying for your continued healing in the arms of Jesus. I pray He seem close to you today!

  3. I've been where you are many times myself...not a good place. The only thing that has helped is prayer and letting it all out on the blog or anyone who would listen. My poor dh is tired of it all so I can't always depend on him to sit and listen to me cry once again. I have to find other avenues to healing. My dh is aweseome and will listen most of the time...not all. Even my mom gets a little tired. So,,,prayer. God IS our strength...He gave me this cross and I have to carry it humbly and with joy. So hard...but that is what He is calling me to do. I'd like to say that is what He's asking of all of us...but I can't say that. Each cross is individually our own and that is between you and God what He's asking you to do with it. I'll keep you and your dh and family in my prayers. One matter what the outcome...we will find peace and move on with our lives. I had a rough day yesterday myself and I'm trying to practice what I preach. Turning to God. Many blessings.

  4. I'm sorry that you're struggling with everything right now. I know the feeling of being in a job you're not necessarily happy with, but not knowing what else is out there for you.

    Something I wanted to mention is that last night on 'The World Over' on EWTN, Raymond Arroyo was interviewing a man who had adopted 10 children, and he was answering the tough questions about adoption. Similar to what your husband has expressed, he has a book out which can be found on the EWTN religious catalogue if that interests you. I'm not saying it will automatically change your husband's mind about adoption, but it can't hurt right? You're doing the right thing and just praying and asking the Father for help and guidance. It worked for St. Monica :)

  5. TW,
    Funny that you mention St. Monica. I have been seeking her intercession lately in asking for prayers for my sweet husband. I feel so frustrated with him sometimes, but I can't seem to not be loving with him. I guess that are some of the graces we received in the sacrament of holy matrimony, huh?

  6. Don't apologize for a downer post, this is what the blogs are for! To let it out!

    I promise to pray for you.

    I am so sorry things are so hard right now. It just isn't fair. I wish we could all just move on from this chapter in our lives but I guess we have to keep learning this over and over ... God is in charge, not us. It is so hard to trust when things just don't seem to be getting better, but I know there is a beautiful plan unfolding. I only wish the pain would lessen while we are in the waiting time.

  7. I agree, no apologies necessary! So many of us know just what those days are like. There are some hard, miserable days on this journey and I'm glad you can write about them and find support here from people who care.

    I'm sorry that you are having such a rough time. I'm hoping for some sunshine in your life, and that you will feel the Lord's arms holding you tightly.
    Remembering you in my prayers.
