Sunday, June 8, 2014

A lesson

This morning I made it to Holy Mass!!  I am so grateful, all of it was beautiful and new in my eyes!
I also was able to make it to confession, so many blessings poured out!  While I was in the confessional, our priest and I heard a knock on the door (the light was clearly on showing he was occupied).  We thought it might have been a mistake, so he was talking with me when a more persistent knock came and so he got up to answer the door.  I was going to move and he told me "no, you are good."  So kind.  As I watched him answer that knock with kindness, I saw Jesus in him.  He could not ignore that knock, just like Jesus cannot ignore our knocking, or how we are not to ignore Jesus knocking on the door of our heart. I could easily see how his heart was soft from always being obedient to God. This experience was such a powerful witness for me.  So, today, on the birthday of the church, I am thankful for generous spirits of priests who serve us faithfully and humbly. 
P.s.  there was a beautiful young family at mass with 3 young children and as the Mom brought them up with her so she could receive the Eucharist, I watched this holy priest beam with joy watching these little ones.  It was like a balm to the soul to watch him joyfully welcome and acknowledge these children.  It reminded me of two truths:  1). Not all who answer the call to the religious like did easily, they did sacrifice having a family of their own (some miss this more than others) and 2) Once more this priest embodied Christ's spirit of letting the children come him!

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