Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Developments

Joseph is learning to sleep in his crib. Yes, it only took us a year to teach him that skill :)) I had to figure out how to do it in my way and get the confidience to stick with it. I was determined to teach him this new skill when we were both ready (ok, more me than him). The truth of the matter is that he slept in a bassinet for the first 3 weeks or so, then slept in his nap nanny swaddled for 4 1/2 months, then he slept in his (although fitfully) pack/play for 6 weeks, after that we started to introduce solids and his Reflux went nuts and he was in serious pain despite every single thing we did. We elevated the bed, changed meds, etc and he was still very disrupted with sleep. So around 7 months old, I bought the NCSS by Pantly and devored it. Yet it was with this book that cosleeping entered our family world and while I will admit I loved all the extra bonding time with the amazing snuggles, I really felt like we were doing a dis-service to him because he grew very, very dependent on me to sleep. He associated me with sleep, just like he associated me with eating, playing, etc. Co-sleeping is fine, but I was always nervous that something would happen with him falling out of our very tall bed. Plus we were interrupting his sleep and his movements of rolling over could have got him tangled in the covers, so I never really slept peacefully for the last 5 months of so. Well, last night, he slept in his crib for the first time since he was took what seemed like 3 hours to establish this routine, but it did not involve alot of crying (except I cried at some points because I would have rathered just hold him) and he slept for 11 1/2 hours total, waking up twice in that time frame. I started at around 8 pm, and he finally fell asleep around 10 45 pm. Really late, but timing will be the next step. He woke up at 2 to eat and then again at seven thirty, he ended up sleeping for another 3 hours after the second feed. And Jessy put him down the last time. I guess that is our Christmas miracle. Praise GOD!!! Jessy is off this week and I have been able to catch up on my sleep, I think that is why I felt up to the challenge last night to do it. Well, night two is done now and it only took about 40 minutes and very little crying and with each moment of crying I comforted him and so we were both satisfied with this process. I could never do the CIO or controlled crying and I felt like such a wimp because of it, but I really am glad I found a fit that works for both of us! Today we spent the day in Houston bringing all the boys to the Downtown Aquarium. It was really fun and a way to just spend family time together. Tonight, in addition to celebrating Joseph's new skills, I am sending up prayers of thankgsiving for Marie's new daughter, Elizabeth Marie! Miracles abound and I am so happy to see them unfold!

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