Friday, October 14, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

For as long as I can remember I dreamed of bringing my child to the pumpkin patch. This desire was fueled by passing by a churches's pumpkin patch every October for three years when you are desperately still begging God for a baby. Oftentimes, I passed by seeing the happy families and dared to keep dreaming, keep believing, keep hoping.

So very grateful God brought such a beautiful little boy into our lives who made the dream of bringing our child to the pumpkin patch a reality!

He had the best time and loved being able to crawl, climb, and explore under the bright blue sky while his beaming Mom and great aunt experienced immeasurable joy.

My aunt's church hosts a pumpkin patch and joined us for our day of fun!

He adores his Ancy Barbara.

He even made a friend, they were so fascinated with one another!


  1. A post that brings such joy to see!! What a gorgeous boy you have there!!

  2. Pumpkin patch pictures are so wonderful! I love these ones for sure!

  3. Beautiful pictures! We haven't made it to the patch this year yet... I hope we get to because my kids love it!
