Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Quick Takes

1. Joseph had the most fitful sleep ever last night and I could barely get my eyes open! At one point I told Jessy "I am a pirate, you just can't see the patch over the one eye :)" It was ROUGH, he is cutting the teeth (for sure one of them) on top and it was bothering him big time.

2. The good news is that at at 415 am, I got him back to sleep until 745 and now he is napping. Of course he is napping on the one day we are planning a fun lunch with Granny.

3. Today is my Mom's 51st birthday and Joseph and I are taking her to Olive Garden! I am so excited to see her and for her to spend some time with Joseph!

4. I have maxed out my parenting skills with the two teens! They keep making really poor choices and one made a really awful use of judgment recently in his writing and I found it. Needless to say he is punished AGAIN and is writing 1 Cor. 13 ten times, once daily for 10 days!!! Also he had to write a letter of apology to me for having to find such filth. God has to make things better soon, it has been worrisome and uncomfortable alot!

5. The phone just rang and Joseph stirred but is still sleeping, poor child . . . he is wiped out!

6. Yesterday, Joseph and I went to the eye doctor. I knew as an early interventionist that vision and hearing health are huge issues to monitor and with my vision history I wanted to get in the routine of having him see someone for his vision health. He did so well! Phenomenal :) InfantSee is a great program that pays for these services, too!

7. I have been eating candy like crazy and every time I eat one (or drink a coke) I think "What is this doing to my insides, specifically my PCOS?" I cannot wait, as God wills, to have another baby! I just hope to be better seasoned the next time around! Joseph is such a delight and blessing, we want more :))


  1. Those sound like good punishments. That's gotta be so hard. Also, your mom is SO YOUNG!

  2. Hope you get some more sleep soon!

  3. I was thinking the same thing… your mom is only seven years older than I am! And, I also agree those are good punishments. It's a long road with those teens, but thank God you are holding them accountable.
