Friday, June 10, 2011

Quick Takes

1. I got to clean my kitchen this morning while I let J watch the last 15 minutes of Sesame Street. I feel so much happier when I can see prgree, even litte ones.

2 The last few days I have been grumpy. I know what I need to feel better, but it is not happening. No need to expound on that because it will seem like whining but this too shall pass.

3. Yesterday seemed like the longest day ever. My child would not nap and we had to make a long drive. We then had to go to the grocery store in the rain because if I don't go, it will not get done. In my rush to try to avoid the rain, I forgot my check card in the car and had to unload the cart, run back out with J, get the card, and return to a very kind cashier. Then I get home and discover that the items I bought were not all placed in my buggy, so guess who gets to go back to Kro.ger! At least when I called to tell them, they were kind, too. Whew, kindness goes a long way.

4. As luck would have it, I planned to buy a frozen pizza because I was desperate for something easy but that never made it to my basket. So guess who ate junk food and crashed as soon as J passed out at 8 pm. Me!

5. Speaking of passing out, J passed out in the middle of our night prayers last night! So sweet.

6. I have not been taking care of myself in any shape or form. Somehow this stage of survival mode will be gone soon. I have been checking my mail daily waiting for my copy of the NCSS by Pantley that I ordered on Saturday.

7. J is trying to crawl! I am not ready for this stage. So not ready. He can croos the living room at record speed. He has a variety of creeping, hopping on hands and knees like frog, and coordinated hands/knees movements. This startet two days ago and I laid beside him on the floor in utter disbelief then I had to pick up my jaw and get him away from the tv stand. Uh-oh. My babe is grwing up too fast.

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