Sunday, May 22, 2011

MaMa - another 1st

Last night when Joseph was beyond ready for me to pick him up to be rocked to sleep, he started his usual "Mmmma" yet last night was the first time he connected two of those sounds to say"mama". Is this really my life? Now you know I nearly flew to grab him, snuggle his sweet self, and rock him to sleep.

Another extremely rare moment was this morng when I was able to take him by myself to mass and he did not cry one and charmed all his favorite prayer warriors. It sure has been a phenomenal weekend. I even got a nap . . . heaven!


  1. Wow, what a little smarty! Go, Joseph!! Clara went through a phase where she wouldn't say it but now that she freely calls me Mama and Mommy, it's the absolute best. It never gets old!

  2. "Mama" excited that you got to hear this word. Hooray on the nap....well deserved! :)

  3. Disclaimer: He only does when he is really tired or ticked! I think all that colicky crying lent itself to his early babbling!

  4. Ummmm.....He is light years ahead of Hannah. Is it the red beans and rice? :)

  5. See, Mr. J is already turning a corner! You will survive! What a blessing you've got in your house. Come visit my house if you need a free babysitter and a nap! :-)

  6. Leo doesn't roll and he doesn't talk :)
    Joseph is so advanced!
