Friday, May 6, 2011

50 First Things - The first awful one!

I was totally a mindless mother today for a split second and it could have had horrible consequences. Thank the Lord and Joseph's guardian angels that he is perfectly fine. It was clearly the most scary moment that I have ever lived through and I consider my lesson learned.

All I can say is that kid is FAST and I cannot take my eyes off of him for a milisecond.

I can't say more because my heart is still in shock.


  1. Oh! That's a terrible feeling, I know! One time I was holding L in an odd way and I came really close to totally dropping him. I got ahold of him in time, but it was still scary how close I came to it! I swear, guardian angels of babies must work overtime. You're a great mommy! Have a great Mother's Day!

  2. We have all been here. Oh, thank god for guardian angels. I also like what Dr. Spoke says, "Kids are hardy."

    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Guardian Angels are REAL, thank God for them! (Been there many, many times!)

  4. Don't feel bad, it happens to all of us! I can't bring myself to recount the worst thing that I ever did, because it's too awful. It's been almost five years and I still can't think about it! God's mercy is great and guardian angels rock!

  5. Hope you found peace over your first Mother's Day!

