Thursday, May 5, 2011

What can I do for you?

Mother's Day is fast approaching and while I still feel a bit odd about it, like I am still a foreigner in a distant land, I want to do something for you, my dear readers.

While many in our IF circle have recently been given a new child to love, there are still some precious hearts in amazing women still holding onto God's promises of a growing family. I want to do something special for all of you ladies who may be experiencing strong feelings of desire, longing, and a true and holy desire to be fulfilled in your vocation.

I know there will still be tears in my eyes this mother's day. Mostly, for God's promise being fulfilled in Joseph . A few tears are bound to fall because of what I now know what I have lost in not being able to nurture Sam and Nicky in the way I get the opportunity to nurture Joseph.

I have realized that all of the hills and valleys that have led us to Joseph were necessary. Yet, the truth is that the journey to him was hard, sad, and long. All of this is being said to let you all know that I do wish to join you all in prayer in a special way this mother's day. All of you have a mother's heart and nurture little souls in this world and I want to nurture your soul by praying for you and your special intentions.

So please send me you special intentions by email or in the commment section, whichever you feel comfortable with and know that you are being held in love and prayer, all ways.


  1. Wow! This is such a kind and thoughtful gesture. I will e-mail you later this evening but I already feel that you blessed me with so many prayers during the Lenten season as my prayer buddy. I am so lucky :) I will be driving to PPVI on Mother's Day. I really think this is a great sign! I will e-mail you soon. Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Thanks! I think this time I will ask for prayers for DH to get a job.
