Tuesday, November 30, 2010

progesterone questions & updates

The other day, I talked with the nurse from ppvi and she mentioned I could do one more blood draw today but we decided against it, being at 37 weeks according to my calculations and at 36 w 3 days according to the edd the doctor gave me.

She (my local ob/gyn)mentioned at yesterday's appointment that the baby is still really high even though she was able to feel his head - still no dilation. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that my body is not already preparing for birth. I asked her if she thought the progesterone support was necessary and she said she thought I could stop at this point. I was thinking this is probably keeping him high, although I have no idea if this some stupid idea my crazy mind has come up with.

So the questions are this:

1. At what stage of pregnancy does PPVI or Napro minded doctors typically stop progesterone support?

2. I think that we would have had to stop the shots either tonight or with the Friday shot, does anyone know how this could cause a change for the baby or pregnancy?

Also, at the doctor's appointment, Joseph is growing well and the doctor would like to see me go no further than December 14, 2010 unless he comes sooner. It was a whirlwind of emotions and I am still trying to absorb all of the information presented to me. Prayer buddy, I am asking for prayers for a safe and healthy delivery and that I can have a delivery that I can remember and cherish. Also that the remainder of this pregnancy continues to be life-giving for him!!!

We kept waiting for the crib to be "gifted" to us and for unknown reasons the people who really wanted to get it for us never got it, so my husband suprised me with it last night! Best suprise ever!!!! He is already such a good daddy! Praise God, I know that we are not deserving of this precious blessing, but we are forever grateful!


  1. I believe Napro discontinues PIO at 37 weeks.

  2. Yeah, I think Dr. Hilgers would have wanted me to continue with PIO until 37 weeks like Chasing said. My "regular" obgyn told me that stopping PIO would put me into labor, but I think he's very wrong. I've never heard that and I know PPVI doesn't support that theory. Either way, you're good to go girl! Give your body time. Those first babies take a while to come out. I think it's a good sign that she could feel his head! You're getting there! Oh, and my firstborn son's birthday is the 13th...feast of St. Lucy!

  3. My Napro doc had me stop progesterone at 37 weeks. I had some false labor the week after I stopped the progesterone but then absolutely no signs of labor between 38 and 43 weeks. The progesterone falling off is a normal process in preparation for labor so the baby should be fine. Theoretically stopping the progesterone could start labor but that would only be if your body and the baby were already to go and your placenta was dropping off it's production too... which is somewhat unlikely at 37 weeks unless you have a family history of early babies. Like Second Chances said, first babies take a while, hang in there, no one has stayed pregnant forever. ;o) Praying for you!

  4. Thanks ladies :) I knew I could count on you all sharing your experience!
