Monday, November 15, 2010


Today I had an appointment with the perinatologist.

I nearly forgot about it. Thank goodness I remembered because I needed to see the doctor today.

I am feeling great, besides some timely backaches, gas, and sassines :) Joseph has been moving and grooving so much that my heart has just been enjoying all of these precious moments and the worry seemed to lessen.

Until today . . . nothing big to worry about except at how fast he is growing. I was not prepared to hear at the appointment that they are measuring him to be around 6 lbs. 13 oz. TODAY!!! Unbelievable. I told him about the guess of weight from my thursday appointment and he told me that the regular doctor should not be giving me ideas of weight because they are only supposed to do the biophysical profiles. He and his team are to give me weights and all the important stuff. He wasn't ugly about it, but did say that this baby is not a 5 lb baby anymore.

Then he asked me if we have everything ready for the nursery and I said we are having the shower this weekend. He said, get everything ready and done. He could come as early as the next TWO weeks. He wants to see me again in three weeks (12/6/10) to see how much more Joseph has grown and then he will tell me a date to expect his arrival. He said we are probably looking at four more weeks at the most. We will see. Will update more later.

Another update:
I am doing great on my sugar levels and the doctor is pleased. The doctor said that it is probably genetics making J so big - not the gd because his belly is the thing measuring the best right now!!!


  1. I loved this line: "I am feeling great, besides some timely backaches, gas, and sassiness :)" I don't want to say don't worry about what the doctor said, but I have had two friends get c-sections for what the doctors estimated to be large babies who, in the end, were completely normal-sized. One of them was scared into thinking that her baby was going to weigh upwards of 11lbs - and then she came out at 8lb4oz.

    So, just have fun with your showers and enjoy knowing that Joseph is definitely healthy! And, if we all get to meet him early - Amen! :)

  2. C, I hope your doctor explained that the weight is just a guesstimate. We don't have technology that gets better than a 20% range this late in pregnancy so what 6 lbs 13 oz means is that Little Bit is guesstimated to be somewhere in the range of 5 lbs 7 oz to 8 lbs 3 oz and they gave you the midpoint. Generally they overestimate though so Little Bit is most likely in the lower half of that range. The way they read the ultrasound also plays in so that's why you should only use one doctors readings. In other words you could have two doctors appointments on the same day and get very different guesses. The difference is what matters but again only the difference with the same tech or doctor. As long as the baby is growing and they don't start guessing 12 lbs or over then it's all good. Also there is NOTHING in western medicine (or any medicine for that matter) that can predict when a baby will arrive. Your doctor may be good at guessing but there is no test that can give you a day. Little Bit will come in his own time which is probably longer than the doctor will guess, but it is good to be ready. ;o) I'm praying for you and Little Bit!

    Oh I meant to comment the other day that although I didn't take a breastfeeding class, I wish I had. Your body knows how to birth Little Bit but breast feeding is a true skill. Some women are blessed with a baby that just does really well but others like me are not, so I say get whatever help you can and I'll pray Little Bit is extra talented in breastfeeding!

  3. Wow, that is so exciting! I'm so glad he has grown so big and strong! I can't wait to see pictures...he will be here before you know it!

  4. Wow!! We always had tiny little babies, so I am in awe of this! You go, girl! Keep growing that baby!! He is going to be an amazing boy, and I cannot believe you will hold him in your arms in a matter of DAYS.

  5. You got me nervous with this title.. I started reading really fast to see if you had him or were about to! Glad he's still in there safe and sound :)

  6. Me too! That title was a little scary :) I second what the others said--the estimates of weight are just estimates. My doctor even said that even if he was a whole pound off, "you're not going to have an eight-pound baby" and was estimating her to be 6 1/2 to 7 pounds--she was 8 lbs 6 oz!

  7. Ladies - thanks for all the encouragment and good advice.

    I am a little less suprised now. I guess I was thrown off by the two majoy differences in weights in just a matter of days.

    It is just hard to keep things into perspective when the SPECIALISt, gives you stronger answers.

  8. I'm glad you are doing well and I'm sure he'll be whatever his right size is when he's ready to be born.

  9. This part is so hard, the hurry up and wait part. I am thinking of you. And you should know that the bigger a baby gets, the harder it is for them to estimate the baby's size. They told me small with AJ, like 6 lbs or so and then he was 8lbs 10 oz, just fyi :)
